
The origins of Azural the djinn remain shrouded in mystery, lost to the mists of time. He is an ancient being who predates recorded history in the jungle lands of Nolavor. Azural himself cannot recall the specifics of his earliest days - for he has existed for centuries beyond counting.
In eras long past, when the world was yet young, the djinn roamed freely between realms. Their kind revelled in this unfettered access to all corners of the cosmos. Magic flowed abundantly, and wondrous sights abounded.   But as mortal civilizations arose, some began to bind the djinn against their will. Greedy for power, groups like the ancient Vorcian wizards devised spells to enslave djinn in places of magical potency. The mystic ley lines were a favorite target.
Azural wandered innocently into one such trap many millennia ago. Snared by cunning sorcerers, he was chained in a remote jungle temple and forced to keep its portals operating eternally. All his magic was bent towards this purpose, denying him freedom.   Over three thousand years he has remained prisoner there. Few living now recall how to access the ancient temple, let alone control its powers. But Azural's bitter memories persist. He dreamt of vengeance against those long-dead wizards. Now perhaps a chance for freedom was at hand...