Dead Gods The Material Plane

Season of Gersiran (Winter), 13944: Year of the Eagle (Enwier), Century of the Griffon (Genenn), Millenium of Ger (Air)

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Crafted by the god Te Vevutur and his celestial offspring, the Eeirendel, the Aina Continuum is a spherical masterwork of divine creation and cosmic balance. It is divided into three grand planes: Edrion, the Material Plane; The Crossworlds, interstitial dimensions woven into the gaps of The Pearl Snake's cosmic coil; and the enigmatic Ord Maada, the Outer Reaches.   Edrion itself is composed of five elemental realms: Thiandalune, the luminous sanctuary; Zerthia, the cradle of Earth; Marenwe, the aqueous expanse; Gerlandria, the airy dominion; and Malondria, the infernal furnace. Each realm embodies its respective element and coexists in harmony, as meticulously ordained by Te Vevutur and guarded by the Atheloi, who rise to prominence as the sentinels between order and chaos.
To breathe life into this cosmic sanctuary, Te Vevutur birthed a pantheon of one hundred divine beings, the Eeirendel. Among these celestial entities, five ascended to form the Ayn Auline, the Council of Time: Aranon, the Earthshaper; Daeranon, the Waterbearer; Phin-Mahr, the Windweaver; Aejeon, the Flamekeeper; and Thianon, the Lightbringer. Each presided over a primary realm, while their lesser brethren established Minor Houses in fealty to these Major Houses.
Beyond the crafted beauty of Edrion and the labyrinthine Crossworlds lies the Ord Maada, the Outer Reaches, a realm untouched by Te Vevutur's divine hand. In these shadowy borderlands dwell ancient entities of unfathomable power, including realms such as the Nine Hells. This presents a fascinating duality of creation within the Aina Continuum, compelling the Ayn Auline to enact arcane wards to shield Edrion, albeit with occasional breaches.   The Eeirendel sired a lesser divine lineage, the Eeirendelios, further diversifying the celestial hierarchy. Demi-gods, born of divine and mortal unions, emerged as influential figures, their deeds echoing through the annals of the Continuum.   For eons, the denizens of the Continuum labored to uphold it as a bastion of order and beauty, adhering to Te Vevutur's principle of restrained "Order"—manifested through the pillars of science, technology, and civilization—to elude The Mad God's malevolent gaze.   Yet, tranquility was shattered by Aejeon's ill-fated creation of the "Malo Balar," the Black Fire. This cataclysmic event disrupted the cosmic harmony, necessitating Te Vevutur's intervention to avert total annihilation. The aftermath saw Aejeon's imprisonment and his progeny, Malovatar, exiled to the Ord Maada, plunging the Continuum into an extended Age of Isolation.
During this epoch, an Eeirendelios named Bron, later canonized as Zastor, unlocked the arcane potential to channel the energies of fallen gods through "Magick." Despite initial resistance, his revelations shifted the balance of power, bestowing mortals with divine-like abilities and irrevocably altering the Continuum's destiny.   The Aina Continuum's passage of time is meticulously categorized into Aeons, Millennia, Centuries, Years, Seasons, Months, Weeks, and Days, each bearing the name of an element, mythical creature, or animal. The calendar is punctuated by significant celebrations, each marking the Equinoxes and Solstices, and embodying the elemental essence of the Continuum.