Drandsia Vatar

Overview The Drandsia Vatar, translated literally as "The Foundation of Truth", was the original set of laws set for by Te Vevutur at the creation of the Aina Continuum. This set of laws was the basis for the organization of the 100 first gods (The Eeirendel) into separate realms based on the Five Elements, and into separate houses under the Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline (Council of Time). Following the first black fire war, the dissaray that ensued resulted in the Drandsia Vatar falling out of favor, eventually leading to The Nedos Drandsia (New Foundation), the second reformation of the great houses under revised laws, and the original Drandsia Vatar being referred to as the Aedos Drandsia (Old Foundation), which for the most part only applied to the five Major Houses until the end of the 2nd black fire war, which saw the end of the Old Foundation, and the 3rd black fire war, which saw the end of the New Foundation.   Description The Drandsia Vatar, as envisioned by Te Vevutur, was a comprehensive set of divine laws designed to bring order and harmony to the Aina Continuum. With the aim of establishing a stable and prosperous universe, Te Vevutur meticulously crafted the Drandsia Vatar to ensure that the first gods, the Eeirendel, worked in unity and maintained balance across the realms.     The Drandsia Vatar addressed all aspects of life and governance in the five elemental realms: Marenwe (Water), Thiandalune (Light), Zerthia (Earth), Malondria (Fire), and Gerlandria (Air). Each realm was overseen by one of the Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline, the Council of Time, which were responsible for upholding the divine laws and maintaining the delicate balance of power among the gods.     The Drandsia Vatar provided a clear and detailed framework for the domains ruled by each Major and Minor House. This ensured that every aspect of existence, from the grandest cosmic events to the most mundane daily occurrences, was carefully regulated and overseen by a specific god or house.     For example, the realm of Marenwe was governed by the Major House of Water, which held sway over oceans, rivers, lakes, and all forms of aquatic life. The individual gods within the House of Water had their own specific domains, such as the god of tides, the goddess of sea creatures, or the deity responsible for the ebb and flow of underwater currents.     Similarly, in the realm of Thiandalune, the Major House of Light presided over all aspects of illumination, including the sun, the moon, stars, and the very concept of enlightenment. Within this house, gods held domains related to celestial bodies, the cycles of day and night, and the various forms of light that shaped the world.     In Zerthia, the Major House of Earth governed the land, mountains, forests, and all things that grew from the soil. Within this realm, gods with domains such as agriculture, fertility, and nature were part of the Earth House, ensuring the prosperity and sustenance of the living world.     The fiery realm of Malondria was ruled by the Major House of Fire, which controlled volcanoes, wildfires, and the transformative power of flame. Gods within this house held domains that encompassed various aspects of fire, including the deity of hearth and home, the god of smithing and metalwork, and the goddess of passion and creativity.     Finally, in the airy domain of Gerlandria, the Major House of Air held sway over the skies, the winds, and all things that took flight. The gods within this house governed domains such as weather, communication, and the ethereal essence of dreams and inspiration.     By assigning specific domains to each god and house, the Drandsia Vatar ensured that every aspect of the Aina Continuum was under the careful supervision of a divine power. This intricate system of checks and balances allowed the first gods to work together in harmony, creating a stable and prosperous world that reflected the vision of Te Vevutur. In its prime, the Drandsia Vatar served as the foundation for the divine order and the vibrant tapestry of life that existed within the Aina Continuum.   The Drandsia Vatar, as envisioned by Te Vevutur, was a comprehensive set of divine laws designed to bring order and harmony to the Aina Continuum. With the aim of establishing a stable and prosperous universe, Te Vevutur meticulously crafted the Drandsia Vatar to ensure that the first gods, the Eeirendel, worked in unity and maintained balance across the realms.     The Drandsia Vatar addressed all aspects of life and governance in the five elemental realms: Marenwe (Water), Thiandalune (Light), Zerthia (Earth), Malondria (Fire), and Gerlandria (Air). Each realm was overseen by one of the Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline, the Council of Time, which were responsible for upholding the divine laws and maintaining the delicate balance of power among the gods.     The Drandsia Vatar provided a clear and detailed framework for the domains ruled by each Major and Minor House. This ensured that every aspect of existence, from the grandest cosmic events to the most mundane daily occurrences, was carefully regulated and overseen by a specific god or house.     For example, the realm of Marenwe was governed by the Major House of Water, which held sway over oceans, rivers, lakes, and all forms of aquatic life. The individual gods within the House of Water had their own specific domains, such as the god of tides, the goddess of sea creatures, or the deity responsible for the ebb and flow of underwater currents.     Similarly, in the realm of Thiandalune, the Major House of Light presided over all aspects of illumination, including the sun, the moon, stars, and the very concept of enlightenment. Within this house, gods held domains related to celestial bodies, the cycles of day and night, and the various forms of light that shaped the world.     In Zerthia, the Major House of Earth governed the land, mountains, forests, and all things that grew from the soil. Within this realm, gods with domains such as agriculture, fertility, and nature were part of the Earth House, ensuring the prosperity and sustenance of the living world.     The fiery realm of Malondria was ruled by the Major House of Fire, which controlled volcanoes, wildfires, and the transformative power of flame. Gods within this house held domains that encompassed various aspects of fire, including the deity of hearth and home, the god of smithing and metalwork, and the goddess of passion and creativity.     Finally, in the airy domain of Gerlandria, the Major House of Air held sway over the skies, the winds, and all things that took flight. The gods within this house governed domains such as weather, communication, and the ethereal essence of dreams and inspiration.     By assigning specific domains to each god and house, the Drandsia Vatar ensured that every aspect of the Aina Continuum was under the careful supervision of a divine power. This intricate system of checks and balances allowed the first gods to work together in harmony, creating a stable and prosperous world that reflected the vision of Te Vevutur. In its prime, the Drandsia Vatar served as the foundation for the divine order and the vibrant tapestry of life that existed within the Aina Continuum.   Story Over the millennia, the story of the Drandsia Vatar has become shrouded in myth and legend. Countless bards and storytellers have woven tales of its origin and purpose, each new generation adding their own embellishments and interpretations. As a result, the truth of the Drandsia Vatar has become obscured by layers of fantasy, with only a select few aware of its original intent.     The most widespread tale of the Drandsia Vatar tells of a great quest undertaken by the Eeirendel in the earliest days of the Aina Continuum. According to this legend, the gods were tasked with finding the ancient scrolls containing the Drandsia Vatar, said to be hidden away in a secret chamber at the heart of the world. It is believed that the gods faced numerous trials and tribulations in their quest, battling fearsome monsters and overcoming insurmountable obstacles in their pursuit of the sacred knowledge.     However, these tales of a grand quest are little more than rumors and falsehoods. In reality, the Drandsia Vatar was crafted by Te Vevutur himself, as a way to maintain order within the Aina Continuum and protect it from the Mad God's insatiable hunger for chaos. This vital truth has been deliberately obscured over time, as Te Vevutur sought to keep the existence of the Mad God a secret from his creations.     Throughout the ages, various interpretations of the Drandsia Vatar have emerged, each with their own set of important dates and milestones. Some scholars believe that the Drandsia Vatar was established during the First Age of the Aina Continuum, while others argue that it was only formalized during the Second or even the Third Age. The truth, however, is that the Drandsia Vatar predates even the First Age, as it was created by Te Vevutur at the very dawn of the Aina Continuum.     One common misconception is that the Drandsia Vatar was a strict and unyielding set of laws, enforced with an iron fist by Te Vevutur and the Major Houses. In reality, the Drandsia Vatar was designed to be a flexible and adaptable framework, capable of evolving over time to accommodate the needs and desires of the gods and their mortal creations.     Another popular myth is that the Drandsia Vatar was a source of conflict and strife among the gods, with each seeking to manipulate its rules for their own gain. In truth, the Drandsia Vatar promoted cooperation and harmony among the gods, with the various elemental realms and houses working together to maintain the delicate balance of power.     As the centuries wore on and the Drandsia Vatar receded into the annals of history, its memory was kept alive through oral tradition and the written word. In time, the true nature of the Drandsia Vatar became lost amid the countless retellings and reinterpretations, with each new generation of bards and scholars adding their own twists and flourishes.     Today, the Drandsia Vatar lives on as a tapestry of myth and legend, its true purpose known only to a select few. Yet the legacy of Te Vevutur's great creation remains etched in the very fabric of the Aina Continuum, a testament to the wisdom and foresight of the High God who sought to protect his realm from the ever-present threat of the Mad God's chaos.   Origin The origin of the Drandsia Vatar is a tale that stretches back to the very dawn of the Aina Continuum, when Te Vevutur, the High God, first set about creating the framework for the new world he had envisioned. As an expert in sword and sorcery high-fantasy fiction, it is important to examine the individuals, groups, locations, and events that contributed to the inception of this pivotal concept.     Te Vevutur himself was the driving force behind the Drandsia Vatar. As the architect of the Aina Continuum, he understood the need for a set of laws that would maintain order and harmony within the realms. Drawing upon his vast wisdom and divine power, Te Vevutur began to craft the fundamental principles that would later become the Drandsia Vatar.     Assisting Te Vevutur in this monumental task were the Eeirendel, the first gods created by the High God. The Eeirendel were chosen for their unique attributes, which aligned with the five elemental realms of Marenwe, Thiandalune, Zerthia, Malondria, and Gerlandria. They played a crucial role in the development of the Drandsia Vatar, each contributing their own expertise and perspective to the formation of the laws.     The creation of the Drandsia Vatar took place at the Court of Creation, a celestial gathering place where the gods convened to shape the destiny of the Aina Continuum. Here, Te Vevutur and the Eeirendel engaged in spirited debates and discussions, each contributing their own ideas and insights to the formation of the Drandsia Vatar.     During this time, a series of events took place that would ultimately shape the Drandsia Vatar. The first of these was the Great Conclave, where Te Vevutur presented his initial draft of the Drandsia Vatar to the Eeirendel. Over the course of several days, the gods deliberated and refined the laws, molding them into a cohesive and comprehensive framework.     Following the Great Conclave, Te Vevutur and the Eeirendel set about implementing the Drandsia Vatar across the Aina Continuum. This involved the division of the various realms and houses, as well as the establishment of the Ayn Auline, the Council of Time. The Ayn Auline would serve as the ultimate arbiter of the Drandsia Vatar, ensuring that its tenets were upheld and maintained throughout the ages.     The Drandsia Vatar was not without its detractors, however. A small faction of gods, led by the enigmatic and powerful deity known as Morgulon, opposed the implementation of the Drandsia Vatar. They believed that the laws were too restrictive and would stifle creativity and growth within the Aina Continuum. This opposition led to the Great Schism, a tumultuous period during which the gods were divided into two camps: those who supported the Drandsia Vatar, and those who did not.     Despite this opposition, the Drandsia Vatar was ultimately adopted and put into effect throughout the Aina Continuum. Its implementation marked the beginning of a golden age, during which the gods and their mortal creations flourished under the guidance of Te Vevutur and the Eeirendel.     Thus, the Drandsia Vatar stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and cooperation among the gods. It remains a cornerstone of the Aina Continuum's history, a foundation upon which the world's order and stability were built. And though its true nature may have become obscured over time, the Drandsia Vatar continues to exert a profound influence on the destiny of the gods   Downfall The downfall of the Drandsia Vatar can be traced back to a gradual erosion of the principles upon which it was founded. As the Aina Continuum expanded and evolved, the divine laws set forth by Te Vevutur began to show signs of strain. The complex interplay between the Five Elements and the Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline became increasingly difficult to navigate, leading to tensions and disagreements among the gods and other beings.     The Eeirendel, the first 100 gods responsible for upholding the Drandsia Vatar, began to waver in their commitment to the divine laws. As their powers and influence grew, some gods sought to assert their dominance over the others, creating rifts and power struggles within the Aina Continuum. These conflicts marked the beginning of the First Black Fire War, which would ultimately lead to the destabilization of the Drandsia Vatar.     During the First Black Fire War, the Aina Continuum was plunged into chaos as the gods and their followers engaged in fierce battles for control over the realms. The war exposed the weaknesses and contradictions within the Drandsia Vatar, as the divine laws struggled to maintain order amidst the chaos. The destruction and suffering caused by the war further eroded the faith and trust in the Drandsia Vatar, as many beings began to question its efficacy and relevance.     In the aftermath of the First Black Fire War, the need for a new set of laws became apparent. The Nedos Drandsia, or "New Foundation", was established as a revised version of the Drandsia Vatar, with the hope of restoring order and balance to the Aina Continuum. However, the transition from the Old Foundation to the New Foundation was far from seamless, as many gods and beings clung to the principles of the Aedos Drandsia, creating a complex and often contentious power dynamic.     The Second Black Fire War marked a further decline in the influence of the Drandsia Vatar. The war served as a stark reminder of the fragility of the divine order, and the inherent flaws within the laws that governed the Aina Continuum. The Aedos Drandsia was finally abandoned after the conflict, as the gods and other beings recognized the need for a more adaptable and resilient set of laws to guide them.     The Nedos Drandsia, despite its noble intentions, was also unable to withstand the test of time. The Third Black Fire War exposed its vulnerabilities and weaknesses, leading to a crisis of faith among the gods and the inhabitants of the Aina Continuum. The New Foundation crumbled under the weight of its own ambitions, signaling the end of the Drandsia Vatar in its entirety.     One of the key factors that contributed to the downfall of the Drandsia Vatar was the inability of the gods and other beings to adapt to the changing landscape of the Aina Continuum. The divine laws, while initially effective in maintaining order and balance, proved to be inflexible and rigid, leaving the realms ill-prepared to face the challenges and uncertainties of the future.     Additionally, the downfall of the Drandsia Vatar can be attributed to the fundamental issue of power dynamics within the Aina Continuum. The laws were unable to prevent the emergence of power struggles and conflicts among the gods and their followers, which ultimately led to the fragmentation and disintegration of the divine order.     The downfall of the Drandsia Vatar serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of complacency and hubris. As the gods and other beings of the Aina Continuum seek to establish a new set of laws to guide them, they must learn from the mistakes of the past and   Proponents The proponents of the Drandsia Vatar were a diverse group of gods, divine beings, and mortal followers who believed in the wisdom and effectiveness of the divine laws set forth by Te Vevutur. They viewed the Drandsia Vatar as the key to maintaining balance and harmony within the Aina Continuum, and they dedicated themselves to upholding and preserving its principles.     The Eeirendel, the first 100 gods, were among the most ardent supporters of the Drandsia Vatar. As the original architects of the realms and their inhabitants, the Eeirendel understood the importance of the divine laws in establishing order and stability. They worked tirelessly to ensure that the Drandsia Vatar was respected and followed throughout the Aina Continuum.     The Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline also played a crucial role in championing the Drandsia Vatar. As the overseers of the various realms and their respective elements, the Ayn Auline held significant power and influence within the Aina Continuum. Their unwavering commitment to the Drandsia Vatar served as a powerful example to the other gods and divine beings, who looked to them for guidance and inspiration.     Among the mortal inhabitants of the Aina Continuum, there were many who revered the Drandsia Vatar as a sacred text that held the keys to a prosperous and harmonious existence. These followers, known as the Vatarites, formed a religious order dedicated to the study and practice of the divine laws. Through rituals, ceremonies, and acts of devotion, the Vatarites sought to honor and uphold the principles of the Drandsia Vatar in their daily lives.     The Vatarite priesthood, a highly respected group of scholars and spiritual leaders, played a central role in disseminating the teachings of the Drandsia Vatar among the mortal population. They served as the guardians of the divine laws, interpreting and adapting them to meet the needs of the various realms and their inhabitants. The priesthood was instrumental in preserving the legacy of the Drandsia Vatar, even during times of turmoil and upheaval.     Some of the more powerful and influential mortal rulers were also proponents of the Drandsia Vatar. These rulers recognized the value of the divine laws in promoting stability and order within their realms, and they sought to align their policies and governance with the principles of the Drandsia Vatar. By doing so, they hoped to create a more just and prosperous society for their people.     Artists, poets, and storytellers were among the most passionate supporters of the Drandsia Vatar, as they saw the divine laws as a source of inspiration and creativity. Through their works, they sought to capture the beauty and wisdom of the Drandsia Vatar, making its teachings accessible and appealing to a wider audience. In this way, the arts served as a powerful vehicle for the dissemination and preservation of the divine laws.     A number of secret societies and mystical orders also emerged as proponents of the Drandsia Vatar. These groups, often shrouded in mystery and intrigue, sought to uncover the hidden truths and deeper meanings within the divine laws. They believed that by doing so, they could unlock the secrets of the universe and attain a higher level of spiritual enlightenment.     Despite the eventual downfall of the Drandsia Vatar, the proponents of the divine laws continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of the Aina Continuum. As the gods and other beings search for a new set of laws to guide them, they can draw upon the wisdom and experiences of the Drandsia Vatar's supporters, who remain steadfast in their belief in the power of divine order and   Detractors The detractors of the Drandsia Vatar were a diverse group of gods, divine beings, and mortal inhabitants who questioned the wisdom and effectiveness of the divine laws set forth by Te Vevutur. They believed that the Drandsia Vatar was flawed and outdated, arguing that its principles no longer served the best interests of the ever-evolving Aina Continuum.     Among the gods and divine beings, some grew resentful of the power dynamics established by the Drandsia Vatar. They felt that the division of realms and the rigid hierarchy within the Five Major Houses of the Ayn Auline limited their freedom and stifled their potential. These dissenting gods sought to challenge the status quo and assert their independence from the constraints of the divine laws.     The Second and Third Black Fire Wars provided fertile ground for the detractors of the Drandsia Vatar to voice their concerns and rally support for their cause. As the wars exposed the weaknesses and contradictions within the divine laws, more gods and beings began to question the validity and relevance of the Drandsia Vatar. These conflicts served as a catalyst for change and a turning point in the history of the Aina Continuum.     Some mortal rulers also emerged as detractors of the Drandsia Vatar, believing that the divine laws were too restrictive and hindered progress within their realms. These rulers sought to establish their own systems of governance, free from the influence of the gods and the dictates of the Drandsia Vatar. In doing so, they hoped to create a more equitable and prosperous society for their people.     Various radical factions within the Aina Continuum, composed of both mortals and divine beings, openly opposed the Drandsia Vatar. These groups sought to dismantle the existing power structures and establish a new order, guided by their own ideals and principles. They believed that the Drandsia Vatar perpetuated inequality and oppression, and that the only way to achieve true harmony was through a complete overhaul of the divine laws.     A number of scholars and philosophers also questioned the Drandsia Vatar, engaging in rigorous debates and discussions about the nature of the divine laws. They criticized the rigidity and inflexibility of the Drandsia Vatar, arguing that it failed to adapt to the changing needs and circumstances of the Aina Continuum. These intellectual critiques fueled further doubt and skepticism among the inhabitants of the realms.     Within the Vatarite priesthood, dissenting voices emerged, challenging the orthodoxy and authority of the Drandsia Vatar. These dissenting priests believed that the divine laws had become corrupted and distorted over time, leading to a perversion of the original teachings of Te Vevutur. They advocated for a reformation of the priesthood and a return to the true principles of the Drandsia Vatar.     The detractors of the Drandsia Vatar also found support among the artists, poets, and storytellers of the Aina Continuum. These creative individuals used their talents to criticize and satirize the divine laws, exposing their flaws and inconsistencies through allegory and metaphor. Their works served as a powerful form of social commentary, inspiring others to question the authority of the Drandsia Vatar.     The downfall of the Drandsia Vatar can be attributed, in part, to the efforts of its detractors, who played a significant role in challenging and dismantling the divine laws. As the gods and other beings of the Aina Continuum search for a new set of laws to guide them, they must take into account the concerns and critiques raised by the detractors of the Drandsia Vatar. By doing so, they may be able to create a more adaptable, equitable, and resilient


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