
The Endraosai
  The Endraosai were a fanatical order of Zervesine Crusaders, born from the tumultuous aftermath of the First Black Fire War, with the singular mission of restoring the Old Foundation—an ancient, stringent moral code that once governed the world. The Endraosai were led by the earth-god Thanon, whose drive to purge the world of perceived heresies led to a series of brutal campaigns aimed at eradicating the dark forces and "heretic" races that had emerged in the war's wake. Their methods were as ruthless as they were uncompromising, and their influence spread fear across the realms of Zerthia.
Founded in 13303, shortly after Thanon's return from a long slumber, the Endraosai quickly grew in power. Thanon, fueled by a fervent desire to cleanse the world, bestowed divine powers upon his most loyal followers, transforming them into a disciplined and zealous force. At the core of the Endraosai's leadership were seven Eeirendelios—immortal gods, albeit of a later generation, who served as Thanon’s lieutenants and advisers. Each of these gods played a vital role in shaping the Endraosai's philosophy and strategies, guiding their mortal followers in their crusade.
The Iron Circle: The Seven Eeirendelios of the Endraosai

Paerdys, the Crusader Goddess:

Widely regarded as the mastermind behind the Endraosai, Paerdys was Thanon's mistress and a cunning strategist. Despite her outward display of loyalty to the Old Foundation, she was deeply corrupt, using her influence to steer the Endraosai towards increasingly ruthless methods. Her true allegiance lay with Te Nesavatar, the Bringer of Death, whom she secretly joined after Thanon's death. Paerdys’ manipulation of Thanon and the Endraosai set the stage for their eventual downfall, as her twisted vision of the Old Foundation warped their noble intentions into a fanatical crusade.

Amaerys, the God of Healing and Protection:

Amaerys was one of Thanon’s most loyal followers, providing divine magic to heal and protect the Endraosai in battle. His powers were crucial in sustaining the crusaders through their many campaigns, mending their wounds and fortifying their spirits. However, his unwavering devotion to Thanon and the cause blinded him to the darker aspects of the Endraosai's mission, and he remained a steadfast supporter even as their methods grew more extreme.

Elendras, the God of Diplomacy and Negotiation:

Elendras was a respected figure among the Endraosai, valued for his wisdom and ability to forge alliances. He taught the crusaders the importance of strategic partnerships, helping them gain support from powerful allies who shared their goals. Despite his noble intentions, Elendras' efforts were often overshadowed by the more violent and aggressive tactics employed by other members of the Endraosai, leading to internal conflicts within the order.

Thalania, the Goddess of Vigilance and Watchfulness:

  Thalania was known for her compassion and keen sense of justice. She worked tirelessly to ensure that the Endraosai remained vigilant against potential threats, detecting any signs of heresy or treachery. However, her commitment to the cause eventually led her down a darker path, as the fear of heresy grew stronger and the Endraosai’s actions became more brutal. Thalania's internal struggle mirrored the broader conflict within the order, as the line between vigilance and fanaticism blurred.

Nalorin, the God of Strength and Valor:

  A fierce and relentless warrior, Nalorin instilled courage and resilience in the Endraosai. He was a figure of inspiration on the battlefield, leading charges against their enemies with unmatched ferocity. Nalorin’s teachings emphasized the importance of strength and martial prowess, and he pushed the crusaders to the limits of their physical and mental endurance. However, his focus on valor often led to a disregard for the ethical implications of their actions, contributing to the order's descent into fanaticism.

Lyrana, the Goddess of Inspiration and Arts:

  Lyrana brought creativity and charisma to the Endraosai, using her divine influence to craft songs, poetry, and artwork that celebrated their cause. Her works were used as propaganda to inspire the crusaders and sway public opinion in their favor. Lyrana’s talents made her a powerful figure within the order, but her seductive influence also masked the darker realities of their mission, allowing the Endraosai to justify their atrocities under the guise of noble art.

Zalorin, the God of Justice and Retribution:

  Zalorin was a mysterious and feared figure, known for his unwavering commitment to dispensing justice. He served as the enforcer of the Endraosai’s strict moral code, meting out punishment to those who defied their cause. Zalorin’s presence ensured that the Endraosai remained focused on their mission, but his harsh methods also contributed to the growing fear and resentment among those who fell under their rule. His sense of justice became increasingly distorted, as the pursuit of retribution took precedence over the preservation of order.

The Crusades of the Endraosai

The Endraosai's mission to rid the world of heresy took them across Zerthia, leaving a trail of blood and destruction in their wake. Their crusades were driven by an unwavering devotion to Thanon and the Old Foundation, and they viewed themselves as the chosen instruments of divine will. Their methods were brutal, often resorting to torture and execution to root out perceived enemies. Entire races were targeted for extermination, their cultures erased in the name of purity.
As the Endraosai grew in power, they faced opposition from various factions who were appalled by their methods. Despite this, they continued to gain support from those who believed in their cause, bolstered by the divine powers granted to them by Thanon and the Eeirendelios. The Endraosai's reputation as merciless crusaders spread, and their presence inspired both fear and reverence.

The Decline and Fall of the Endraosai

The Second Black Fire War was a turning point for the Endraosai. The war, which saw the resurgence of dark forces and the rise of Te Nesavatar, put immense pressure on the Endraosai and their allies. Despite their initial successes, the forces of chaos they had unleashed began to turn against them. The death of Thanon at the hands of Te Nesavatar marked the beginning of the end for the Endraosai.
With Thanon gone, the Endraosai were left without their divine patron, and their influence began to wane. Paerdys, who had been the driving force behind the order, attempted to maintain control but was ultimately confronted by Aranon, who had discovered the truth about her role in corrupting his son. The battle between Aranon and Paerdys was one of the most brutal confrontations of the war, ending in Paerdys' death and the further weakening of the Endraosai.
Without Thanon and Paerdys, the Endraosai quickly fell apart. Their once-mighty order was reduced to a shadow of its former self, and their remaining members were hunted down by their enemies. The Endraosai's legacy became one of tragedy and corruption, a cautionary tale of the dangers of fanaticism and the perils of pursuing power at any cost.


The story of the Endraosai is remembered as a dark chapter in the history of Zerthia. Their fanatical devotion to the Old Foundation, combined with their ruthless methods, left a lasting impact on the world. Even after their fall, the remnants of the Endraosai continued to cause trouble in remote corners of Zerthia, and their name became synonymous with betrayal and fanaticism.
The rise and fall of the Endraosai serve as a reminder of the thin line between righteousness and fanaticism, and the dangers of allowing ambition and zealotry to overshadow the true principles of justice and order. Their story is a testament to the destructive power of unchecked beliefs and the consequences of divine corruption.
The tale of the Endraosai is one that continues to resonate in the Aina Continuum, a warning to those who would seek to impose their will upon the world without regard for the cost. Their legacy is one of blood and fire, a testament to the price of hubris and the dangers of pursuing a twisted vision of purity.


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