Jungle's Claw Tavern Menu

The Jungle's Claw Tavern Menu   ---   Drinks 1. Soulburn - 5gp a shot A fiery concoction brewed with dragon's blood and infused with a drop of abyssal ichor. Guaranteed to sear your soul and ignite your courage. Effects: - Positive: +2 to Charisma checks for 1 hour. - Negative: Disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour.   2. Venom's Kiss - 4gp a shot A tantalizing blend of serpent venom, rare jungle herbs, and a splash of banshee's wail. One sip and you'll understand the allure of danger. Effects: - Positive: Gain temporary resistance to poison for 30 minutes. - Negative: -2 to Perception checks for 1 hour.   3. Eclipsed Moon - 6gp a glass A dark, velvety ale brewed during a lunar eclipse and aged in coffins. A drink that promises a night you'll never remember. Effects: - Positive: Gain temporary darkvision up to 30 feet for 1 hour. - Negative: Disadvantage on Dexterity checks for 1 hour.   4. Widow's Tears - 2gp a mug A murky ale brewed with fermented swamp roots and a dash of spider silk. It's as bitter as regret but twice as intoxicating. Effects: - Positive: +1 to Constitution saving throws for 30 minutes. - Negative: -1 to Intelligence checks for 1 hour.   5. Goblin Grog - 8sp a pint A foul-smelling but surprisingly palatable brew made from fermented mushrooms and goblin sweat. It's an acquired taste. Effects: - Positive: Gain temporary resistance to fear effects for 30 minutes. - Negative: Disadvantage on Charisma checks for 1 hour.   6. Mudwater - 4sp a glass Literally water from the Karno Swamps, filtered through a sock. It's the cheapest way to quench your thirst, if you dare. Effects: - Positive: Quenches thirst. - Negative: 10% chance of contracting a minor disease.   For those daring souls who wish to take specialty drinks beyond the tavern's cursed walls, we offer "Damnation in a Bottle" service. For an extra 2sp, we'll seal your liquid recklessness in a vial etched with runes of questionable origin. Just don't blame us if you unleash something you can't put back in the bottle. ---   Food   1. Wyrmwing Skewers - 3gp each Dragonfly wings marinated in a spicy blood sauce, skewered and charred to perfection. A crunchy delicacy.   2. Corpse Flower Salad - 2gp a bowl Fresh leaves from the deadly Corpse Flower, tossed with shadowberries and drizzled with a vinaigrette made from treant sap. Eat at your own risk.   3. Tar Beast Stew - 1gp a bowl A hearty stew made from the amorphous Tar Beasts of the Enia Pits. It's a gooey, lumpy mess, but it fills you up and might even put hair on your chest.   4. Rat-on-a-Stick - 5sp each A staple for the budget-conscious adventurer. Skewered, roasted, and seasoned with a sprinkle of dirt for that authentic jungle flavor.   5. Moldbread - 2sp a slice Bread that's been left out so long it's grown its own ecosystem. It's a gamble, but some swear by its psychedelic properties.   6. Carrion Jerky - 1sp a strip Made from whatever was lying dead on the road. It's tough, it's stringy, and it's your last resort.   ---     All prices are negotiable, especially if you're desperate or foolish enough. Just remember, in the Jungle's Claw, you might barter with coin, but you'll pay in ways you never expected.   ROLL 1d20 for effects of consuming food at the Jungle's Claw:   1. Gut Rot: Make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. You also suffer disadvantage on all Stealth checks due to loud stomach noises.   2. Iron Stomach: You feel invincible. Gain resistance to poison damage for the next 24 hours.   3. Euphoric High: The food was laced with a mild hallucinogen. Gain advantage on all Charisma checks for 1 hour, but suffer disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.   4. Explosive Diarrhea: Make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or spend the next 30 minutes in a restroom. You are considered incapacitated during this time.   5. Mystic Visions: You gain the effects of the Divination spell and receive a useful piece of information about a quest or enemy.   6. Food Fight: You can't help but vomit, hitting a nearby patron and starting a bar brawl.   7. Finger Food: You find a severed finger in your meal. The tavern falls silent, and you gain a point of inspiration for surviving the experience.   8. Lucky Penny: You find a coin in your food. It's an ancient piece worth 50gp to the right collector.   9. Pungent Breath: Your breath becomes so foul that you gain advantage on Intimidation checks but disadvantage on Persuasion checks for the next 24 hours.   10. Nausea: Make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become nauseated. You can't take reactions and have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for the next 10 minutes.   11. Heightened Senses: Gain advantage on Perception checks for the next hour.   12. Uncontrollable Flatulence: Make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on Stealth and Acrobatics checks for the next hour.   13. Adrenaline Rush: Gain a burst of energy, allowing you to move twice your speed for the next 10 minutes.   14. Spectral Sight: You can see into the Ethereal Plane for the next 10 minutes.   15. Charm Resistance: Gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed for the next 24 hours.   16. Mystic Allergies: Make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become vulnerable to psychic damage for the next hour.   17. Sudden Sobriety: Any effects of alcohol or other intoxicants are immediately negated.   18. Temporary Amnesia: Lose memory of the last 24 hours. This could be either beneficial or detrimental depending on the circumstances.   19. Midas Touch: The next non-magical item you touch within the next hour turns to gold, rendering it useless but increasing its monetary value.   20. Divine Flavor: A deity takes notice of your adventurous eating habits and grants you a blessing. Gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws for the next 24 hours.


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