Nexus Harbor

Merr's primary port and trade hub, accommodating ships and air vessels from across the realms. With 6 districts, the Nexus Harbor Ward encompasses a vast network of docks, piers, and underwater berths designed to cater to vessels of all shapes and sizes. Each district is dedicated to servicing a specific type of vessel or facilitating trade with a specific realm. The ward also includes customs offices, warehouses, markets, and a bustling commercial center where merchants from all corners of the world come to trade their wares. The Nexus Harbor Ward serves as the gateway to the City of Merr, welcoming visitors from far and wide, and fostering connections between the city and the rest of the Material Plane.   The above-surface area of the City of Merr is called the "Nexus Harbor" due to its role as a central connecting point for all the elemental planes, including the material plane. The word "nexus" means a central or connecting point, which is an apt description of the harbor's function. It serves as a hub where various races, cultures, and elemental beings can come together to trade, share knowledge, and maintain diplomatic relations.     The Nexus Harbor is indeed commonly known throughout the realms, as its reputation as a neutral ground and a melting pot of diverse cultures has spread far and wide. Its unique position as a point of convergence for the various elemental planes has made it a crucial center for commerce, diplomacy, and cultural exchange. The harbor's ability to maintain neutrality and foster cooperation among the elemental planes is a testament to the strength and resilience of the city of Merr and its inhabitants.     Thus, the name "Nexus Harbor" has become synonymous with the remarkable role that this part of the City of Merr plays in connecting the various realms and fostering a sense of unity among the diverse races and cultures of the elemental planes.


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