
Peake was born into the Frostpeak clan, a reclusive order of mystics dwelling amongst the snow-capped pinnacles of the Ironedge Mountains. He demonstrated an aptitude for divination and spirit communication, showing great promise as a shaman.
Yet as Peake delved deeper, his curiosity led him to darker arts. Using forbidden scrolls found in a deep cavern, he secretly practiced necromancy, reanimating the corpse of a fellow shaman named Koldak. But death had twisted Koldak's spirit. The undead shaman attacked Peake, who was forced to destroy him.   Terrified of the consequences should the Frostpeak elders discover his transgression, Peake fled into the steamy jungles below. There he encountered Eliadne, an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex stalking the lush valley. Reaching out with magic, Peake connected his mind to the dinosaur's primal consciousness. For a time, he was intrigued by this raw alliance with savage nature.   Yet Peake's ambition pressed him towards a greater purpose - achieving true immortality. He devised a profane ritual to transfer his spirit into a vessel, allowing him to extend his life indefinitely.   As Eliadne closed her jaws upon him, Peake hastily spoke the words of binding, pouring his soul into a bone dagger moments before death consumed him. But the relic preserved only his disembodied intellect.   Now Peake's ghost still seeks to recover physical form and magical power, determined to finish what death interrupted. But bereft of a mortal anchor, he must entice others into aiding his secret agenda. For if he succeeds, far darker days will descend upon the jungle's depths.


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