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Dead Play Arc

The Dead Play Arc takes place during the first half of season 2, first 12 episodes. About 2 weeks after the first season, 3 months into the apocalypse. This Arc is sorta a filler Arc but not really, these episodes will have random fun missions where the survivors are bonding and learning more about each other, how to work together, how to fight the dead and most importantly survive.

This Arc starts off with the survivors on the move without a home and thats the case for the most part of this arc. This Arc starts to show who are the Core group of characters the show will be following for the rest of the show. The group of survivors are learning how to work together by figuring out their roles and who is best suited for what. Within the first couple episodes the group is dangerously low on food, supplies and ammo. So their first priorities is looting and they are having a hard time figuring out who should be the leader amongst them. They all agree that Ace is their best fighter but Cole is a better decision maker, due to Ace die hard killing zombies track mind. So the group decide Cole is the one who will be calling the shots. Brenda also announces that she is pregnant. Cole also finds his signature dual tomahawks. These things takes place within the first couple episodes.

1st Ace gets enraged by running into a zombified Ian Clark (the man that killed his mother), which triggered Ace to start dealing with his enteral demons/ the death spirit. Our survivors encounter the city sniper. Moon is struggling with her mental health but Dash comforts her. Jack is struggling with balancing being a father, husband and a zombie fighter.

By the end of this arc the group of survivors are all excelling in their roles and are getting stronger and stronger by the day.

Our group of survivors has gotten stronger, smarter and gained chemistry with one another. They have learned their roles within the group and are flourishing.

  Key Moments
One of the most important things that happened in this arc is showing Ace dealing with the Death Spirit. 
Brenda reveling her pregnancy.
Cole receives the leadership role. 
The group has different moments of relying on each other and people stepping up when needed. 
Cole finding his signature dual tomahawks in Ep.2.

Selvin & Saron gets a lot more experience fighting the dead.
Dash & Moon definitely have feelings for each other but are afraid to show it.
Ace picks up a sniper rifle from the city sniper.
Brenda and Royce are getting closer with Jack's family.
Donte makes upgrades to his car. 


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