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Destiny Arc

The Destiny Arc is the shortest Arc in the series. It takes place at the end of season 4 and ends at the very start of season 5. Continuing right off of the previous arc the Dead Lost Arc where our survivors are starting to find one another. Now that our survivors are only separated into two groups.
Group A Ace/Cole/Marz/Brenda/Selvin/Mason/Grace/Shia
Group B Dash/Moon/Donte/Bike Gang
Group A (lead by Ace and Cole) are going to a place called Destiny. Arlene (the girl they saved) is from Destiny and says they are welcomed into her home at Destiny.
Group B are surviving with their new friends the bike gang.

Group A - They are making their way to Destiny in high hopes of finally having a home again and hoping to find the rest of their friends there. With that being said Marz has his doubts on Arlene and what she says about Destiny...
Group B - They are surviving and having fun. But then they realize they are running low on supplies such as food and gas and they looted the entire area clean. They decide to move locations in hopes of finding more loot.

Group A - They are getting very close to arriving at Destiny but run into some trouble with the dead along the way. Shia gets bitten on the leg. So Cole chops Shia's leg off to stop the infection from spreading, saving Shia. Ace also injuires his leg from saving Arlene from zombies. Making it hard to travel they decide to leave the weak and injured behind till they can come back to rescue them with the help from the people at Destiny. Shia/Brenda/BabyMason/Grace stays behind while Ace/Arlene/Cole/Marz/Selvin goes to Destiny. Marz tells Brenda how he feels on his uncertainty about Destiny. Marz tells Brenda to not trust anyone that comes back that isn't us.
Group B - They run into some trouble in a city with the dead. Then out of nowhere they get surrounded by a bad group of people. They are then captured and it turns out to be the people living at Destiny...

Group A finally reaches Destiny just to find out that Destiny isn't a place with good place. Arlene has lied to them and lured them to Destiny to capture them! Now all of our survivors are captured at Destiny. They must break their way out before its too late! The people at Destiny line everyone up to butcher them but thats when a huge explsion happen. Giving us a chance to fight back and escape! A Battle With Destiny happens!! & turns out we are saved by a surpising member...

Our survivors make it out all alive! They kill everyone at Destiny, destroy the place and even leave out with new allies! Now that they are all finally together after a full season they need a new home...

    Key Moments
Marz has doubts about Arlene and everything she says about Destiny, he tells Brenda to prepare for the worst and to not trust it if others come back to get her if its not one of us.
Shia gets bitten on the leg and they have to cut it off to save his life. Ace also injuries his leg too but is fighting through the pain to make it to Destiny.
Cole & Marz notice Dash's name on an arrow someone shoots at Destiny that tips them off.
Bush & Cole meet again and together they kill Destiny's leader Ze.
Marz meets Tao
Other survivors that were captured at Destiny join our team.
Dash has a interesting run in with what seems to be a mysterous bloater... but is saved by Bush on his dirt bike.
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