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A homeless man thats been living as a lone wander since the apocalypse. He is a good person willing to help people in danger due to a lot of nice people helping him out when he was homeless before the apocalypse. He wanders around the world with zombie guts on him that keeps him hidden from the dead. Therefore Hutch doesn't bother killing zombies but he does carry a knife as his only weapon. Although Hutch is a good person he is a but strange... maybe its due to him always having zombie guts on him even when hes in a safe environment. He has a strange laugh, smile and a way of living but he means well. He makes people who don't know him uneasy due to his appearance. He appears in the series during season 2 on the New Friends mission to help our survivors escape the department store. He teaches our survivors the trick of walking among the dead by covering themselves in zombie guts. Afterwards he disappears during the night because he is a lone wander. He shows up randomly throughout the series to help.

  • Skills
Hutch isn't a zombie fighter, although he clearly has the ability to at least kill one due to him always covering himself in zombie guts. Hutch also is clearly not afraid of zombies due to him always walking among them. Hutch doesn't bother killing zombies or people but he does carry a knife or meat cleaver for protection and to acquire zombie guts.

  Weapons / Loadout
Meat Cleaver
Stealth, Camouflage

  • Appearance
Hutch is an American man with blue eyes that is about 5ft 10. He has brown hair and tanned skin. Hutch is usually always coated with zombie guts all of himself to keep the zombies from detecting him. He can easily be mistaken as a zombie, especially because Hutch does a good job impersonating them.
Zombie guts

  • Personality
Hutch is a good person, who is willing to help people he also deem good people. Although he is a good person he has trouble making friends due to him having a pretty strange personality... Always wandering around with zombie guts on his body isn't a normal thing to do. I guess its due to his homeless nature, having to be able to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Hutch likes to smile and laugh and help others. He doesn't like to stay put though, always wandering around the world alone. Hutch has become so lonely in fact he actually has a bad habit of talking to himself from time to time. Or pretending he knows a zombie or that a zombie is his friend. At times people can't tell if he is joking or not. Maybe he once knew that person before they died or maybe Hutch is just "pulling your leg" joking, what Hutch would say. He is the type of person that helps people and tries to bring a smile to their face by making them laugh, then in the night will disappear to wander the world again by only leaving a goodbye note. Hutch doesn't look for something in return he just likes to do the right thing.

  • Dead Day
  • Before The Apocalypse
Hutch was homeless for a couple years before the apocalypse started.
Current Status
Wandering the world
long brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dirty spotty tanned skin
5ft 10
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