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New Friends Mission

  • Objective / Main Focal Point
Our survivors are getting ready to loot a department store (Target). On the way in they alert a lot of deadones and gets trapped inside. Turns out there is already a group of survivors there lead by Tianna and Tyree. Both groups bump heads but together they have to find a way out.

  • Characters
Ace, Cole, Dash, Donte, Saron, Tianna, Tyree, Allaunh, Old Man & Hutch.

Ace: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Machete
Cole: Tomahawks, Pistol & Knife
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Donte: Shotgun & Bat
Saron: Pistol, Knife & *Grenade*(secret)
Tianna: Rifle & Knife
Allunah: Pistol & Knife
Tyree: Assault Rifle & Pipe
Old Man: Cane & Knife
Hutch: Meat Cleaver

  • Setting
Department Store. Cloudy, Mid Day.

  • Details
The Mission starts off with our survivors pulling up to a department store parking lot. There are a lot of abandoned cars and a dozen deadones outside in the parking lot. The survivors are Ace, Cole, Dash, Donte & Saron. The guys are approaching the store and collectively hides behind a couple cars.

Cole: "Alright guys." starts Cole, "No guns until I give the word, lets get in quietly before we get trigger happy." orders Cole. Everyone nods their heads yes while staying behind cover. "You got that Ace?" says Cole.

Ace doesn't respond but proceeds to put his assault rifle away and takes out his machete instead. Dash is getting a good look of the parking lot and says..

Dash: "There isn't many deadones out here. I see about six in our direct path and about 5 scattered."

Cole: "Are you sure? There may be some low on the ground too." responds Cole.

Dash: "I guess you're right about that." responds Dash.
Cole is trying to get a scope of what path is best.

Cole: "Lets get in formation. Two lines ok, Ace and I will take lead in our separate lines. Donte you behind me and Saron you behind Ace. Dash you behind the both of us using your bow to pick up slack and everyone stay hidden." states Cole.

Ace: "Sounds good, you guys ready or are we going to sit here and hold hands for another couple of minutes?" says Ace.

Everyone nods their heads yes while taking out their weapons. Donte takes out his bat, Saron a knife, Dash starts loading up his bow and Cole grabs his tomahawks.

Cole: "One more thing, we move as one, don't push ahead. And Dash if one spots us take them out and alert us on where their coming from." says Cole.

Dash: "Got it." responds Dash.

Cole: "Ok lets move." Says Cole.

The crew starts to move in formation while ducking behind cars for cover. First up Ace walks up behind a zombie killing it with his machete. Ace gets the nod from Cole to keep moving.

Dash: "Donte one is coming up behind you on your left, I can't get a clear shot on it but he doesn't know your there." whispers Dash.

A zombie is walking aimlessly through a couple trucks and towards Donte. Donte spots him and lets it walk up close while staying behind cover. Donte swings his bat at the zombie's knees, making it fall and then Dash cleans up the kill with a shot from his bow. They proceed to move in closer to the store while Dash reclaims the arrow. They are now halfway through the parking lot.

Cole: "How are we looking?" asks Cole to Dash.
Dash responds with a thumbs up.
Cole then takes a step forward and sees a zombie sitting against the front bumper of the car he is taking cover on. Cole steps back really quickly.

Donte: "What? Dash said we're good." asks Donte as he crouch walks up to Cole.

Cole: "A Deadone, up against the car." responds Cole.

He then notices Ace starting to move ahead and Saron a couple cars behind him. Cole has to move up, He prepares his tomahawk and gets close up to the zombie sitting against the car's bumper. He then realizes its already dead and proceeds forward. The crew is itching closer to the store. Dash takes out another zombie with his bow that was heading towards them. Cole takes out one too with his tomahawk. Saron then comes up to a car and takes a look inside the backseat window, he believes he sees something. Inside is a little girl zombie in the backseat who seems to be dead, but it is kinda hard for Saron to tell since the windows are slightly tinted. Saron begins to squint and puts his hands on the window to get a better look but then the little girl zombie is awaken by Ace killing a zombie and it falling against the car ahead of it. Saron and the little girl zombie instantly lock eyes. The little girl zombie turns out to be a Screamers ! The Screamer starts screaming very loudly! So loud the windows on the car burst and Saron ducks down covering his head and ears from the glass. Everyone else is caught completely off guard and start covering their ears aswell. Because Saron was so close to the Screamer his vision gets hazy and his hearing is muffled. The scream alerts all the zombies turning them into Red Eyes in the area, including inside the store and zombies start rushing from around the corner to them.

Dash: "Oh Shit." says Dash.

Ace: "Saron! WTF just happened?!" shouts Ace.
Saron hearing is too messed up to hear anything Ace just said. Saron is still crouched down covering his head as the Screamer then jumps out the car's window on the other side and starts running off to escape.
Ace: "Hell Nah! Where you think you running off to!" shouts Ace as he takes out his assault rifle and starts shooting at the Screamer but misses due to it running behind a different car. Cole then grabs Ace's shoulder

Cole: "ACE! We don't have time for that screamer! Look!" shouts Cole as he points at all the zombies coming their way.

Zombies are closing in on them from all directions even behind them. Saron then stands up as his vision is clearing up. A zombie runs around the car next to them unnoticed and is running up on Saron from behind. But is then killed by an arrow from Dash. Saron doesn't even notice that just happened although it happened right behind him because his hearing is still screwed up. Dash runs up reclaiming his arrow.

Dash: "Fuck a lot of them are coming from back there. We have to go in the store!" states Dash.
They look over at the zombies in the store, they are stuck behind glass doors banging. Saron is just standing there lost as his hearing is still messed up.

Ace: "Shit..." says Ace as he starts aimming his AR at zombies.

Saron: "Wha?" adds Saron as he is confused on what is being said due to his hearing being muffled by the screamer.

  Cole: "Lets Go!" shouts Cole as he grabs Saron by the shirt as they all start running to the store.

Ace shoots at zombies in their way, Donte smashes one with his bat and continues running. They get up to the store and the zombies break through the glass doors. Ace, Cole, Donte and Saron shoots them down. Dash rushes in. Dash smacks a zombie with his bow and Saron finishes the kill by shooting it in the head with his pistol as it fell on the ground. Donte grabs his shotgun horizontally and puts it against two zombies necks, shoving them against a group of other zombies, making some of them fall. *POW POW POW!* guns are going off. The crew barely makes it inside the store unscathed but there are still more zombies inside and more chasing behind them.

Dash: "OVER HERE!" Shouts Dash as he runs towards a backroom for them to enter.

Donte is right behind him with Saron then Cole & Ace following. Dash is sprinting through the aisle, slicing through a zombie with his dagger while on the move. A couple zombies steps out the aisle in their way, Donte takes out his shotgun and takes them both out in one shot. *BOOM!* Dash quickly steps over them and reaches for the door. It opens and Donte, Saron and Dash goes in. As soon as they walk in the backroom Dash is hit upside the head by a rifle. Dash damn near falls and drops his bow but catches his balance on a desk.

Tianna: "What the Hell are you guys doing?!" shouts a lady.

They look and see two women pointing guns at them, one with a rifle (Tianna) and one with a pistol (Allunah). Dash and Saron instantly puts their hands up while Donte clutches his shotgun. Ace and Cole are a few steps behind but they make it in as well. Ace quickly shuts the door behind them and locks it but then they too are also greeted by the two women pointing guns at them.

    Tianna: "Everyone drop your weapons and put your hands up now!" shouts the lady with the rifle.

Cole: "Wait hold on, were not your enemy. Give us a second to explain--" Cole is then cut off by the ladies that have them a gun point.

Allunah: "You guys are trying to get us killed! You awaken those dead freaks and brought them right to us!" Shouts the lady with the pistol.

Dash: "Woah woah, hold on this is a big misunderstanding." responds Dash.

Tianna: "The only thing your misunderstanding is if you don't drop your weapons right now I will be forced to feed your asses to the dead!" shouts the lady with the rifle, as she steps in closer to Cole's face with the rifle.

Dash and Saron have already dropped their bow and pistol. Donte still has his shotgun in hand, Cole starts to notice Ace looks like he is ready to attack these women but then two more guys run into the room. One is a young black man holding a assault rifle, the other is an old man who is walking with a cane.

Tyreek: "Tianna who are these guys?" says the younger guy.

Tianna: "These are our trouble makers, the ones that riled up all those deadheads." Responds Tianna as she never takes her eyes off Cole with her rifle up at Cole's face.

Tyreek: "I figured as much." responds the young man as he loads his assault rifle and begins to aim at Donte.

Old Man: "Wait guys hold on." says the old man. "Did you let these poor guys speak their side before pointing your guns??".

Tyreek: "Shut It Old Man. I got this handled." responds Tyreek.

Old Man: "So your just going to kill them? For what? I don't think this is right." states the old man.

Tyreek: "I Said Shut Up! These idiots just trapped us all in here with those freaks banging to get in. To me that sounds like a set up to get us killed. Now you three drop your weapons before I drop em for you!" says Tyreek.

Tianna and Cole are locking eyes. Cole starts tightly gripping his Tomahawks. Our survivors have their backs against the wall, as the zombies are banging on the door right behind where Ace is standing. There is a moment of silence as the two groups have a stand off...

Saron: "Please don't shoot us." Says Saron as he has his hands in the air. "We didn't mean to trap us all in here, it all just happened so fast." says Saron.

Donte: "We? What do you mean We? We didn't do anything! Your the one that alerted that Screamer, we just ran in here and-" states Donte as he is then cut off by Tyreek.

Tyreek: "SHUT The Fuck Up! I Didn't ask for an explanation, Matter fact I didn't ask for anything. You either drop your weapons or your dead, those are your options!" Shouts Tyree as he closes in on Donte with his assault rifle.

Old Man: "Tyree! Stop it! All your doing is scaring them!" Shouts the Old Man.

Ace: "Ain't nobody scared Old Man." responds Ace. Everyone turns and looks at Ace as he just stands there with his head down staring at the ground. "If you want to have a shoot out then lets get the fucking shooting." say Ace.

Ace is clearly starting to lose his mind as zombies are banging on the door behind him and guns raised in front of him. Tyree walks away from Donte and turns his attention to Ace. Tyree walks up on Ace and raises his gun to his face. Ace raises his head as Ace and Tyree locks eyes.

Tyreek: "Looks like your ass will be the first to go then you piece of-" says Tyree but is then cut off by the Old Man once again.

Old Man: "STOP IT RIGHT THERE!" shouts the Old Man as he grabs Tyree by the shoulder. Tyree stops to look at the Old Man as he has a strong grip on his shoulder, forcing Tyree to lower his weapon.
Old Man: "You want to have a shoot out in this room then we might as well invite the dead in too! Does that sound good to you?! If you would just think for a second before starting a fight then maybe we can get out of this mess!" Shouts the Old Man. Everyone stops and listens. The Old Man raises his cane and points it at Tianna. "Tianna, Allunah lower you guns and lets talk this out before it too late." says the Old Man.

Cole: "We didn't come here to cause trouble, if you give us a chance, we will get us out of this mess." adds Cole.

Tianna and Allunah both lowers their guns after hearing the Old Man out. Tyree is frustrated but eventually lowers his gun and walks away angry.

Old Man: "Thank You." says Old Man as Tyree walks over to the other side of the room and kicks a desk over angrily.

The Old Man lets up a smile on his face as he reaches his hand out to Cole for a hand shake. Cole puts his tomahawk away on his side and shakes hands with the old man. Tianna walks over to Tyree and tries comforting him by grabbing his hand.

Old Man: "My name is (unnamed)" states the old man. "That there is Allunah." as he points at Allunah as she puts her pistol away and picks up Dash's bow and Saron's pistol and gives it to them. They accept them as Allunah gives them a smile. "And Those two are Tianna and Tyree." as the camera shows them. "And who do we have the pleasure of meeting?" asks the Old Man.

Everyone proceeds to introduce themselves and shakes hand with the old man and Alluanh. Everyone then lets out a gasp as the tension has dropped.

Cole: "Thank you sir, you really just saved everyone lives just now." says Cole.

Tyreek: "Yeah about saving everyone's lives.. I hope you have a plan to get us out of this shithole." states Tyree as he sits ontop of a desk trying to calm himself down.

Cole: "Not Yet." remarks Cole aggressively.

Tyreek: "How about you mister I'm not afraid." continues Tyree as he is speaking to Ace. Ace doesn't respond. "Or you Bowman? Any ideas?" says Tyree.

Dash: "I don't know maybe if you give me a second to think straight, my head is still pounding from getting hit by a rifle." Responds Dash as he holds his head, checking for blood from getting knocked over by Tianna.

Tianna: "Yeah Sorry about that." Says Tianna.

Old Man: "I apologize for us all." Starts the Old Man. "We haven't dealt with good people in the past. Last time we had a run in with some new people.. well lets just say-" goes the Old Man who is then cut off by Tianna.

Tianna: "The last people we ran into destroyed our camp and killed a lot of innocent and helpless people. This was about 4 weeks ago and we been on the run since." States Tianna.

Cole: "I'm sorry to hear that." responds Cole.

Ace: "Well we haven't had good luck when it comes to people either, you think your the only ones?" Responds Ace.
Tyree scoffs, as he begins to stand.
Tyreek: "Yeah whatever." Goes Tyree as he begins to walk off into a separate room from where he originally came from. Tianna tries to go along with him but he shews her away.

Cole: "Our past doesn't matter, what matters now is getting everyone out of here alive." says Cole. Ace turns away and starts looking at the door that the zombies are banging on from the other side.

Allunah: "Here let me help with that" says Allunah as she sees Dash finding a little blood on his head wound. Allunah grabs Dash's hand and directs him to the next room where she haves some bandages.

Old Man: "So how about we hear what happened out there?" says the Old Man.
Everyone begins to walk to the next room where its a little less noisy from the zombies banging on the door. Donte, Ace and Cole starts looking at Saron.

Saron: "What? Why is everyone looking at me for?" questions Saron. The guys start shaking their heads in response.

Donte: "Come on bruh, you know why we're all looking at you. Quit acting stupid." says Donte as he places his shotgun on a table.

Dash sits down while Allunah starts wrapping his head up with a bandage. Tyree is shown looking out a blinded window where he can see tons of zombies swarming around, looking for a way in.

Saron: "Wellll see what happened was we were coming here for supplies and on the way in we ran into a--" goes Saron.

Cole: "We?" cuts in Cole as he folds his arms and looks at Saron.

Saron: "ok I, I ran into, I mean I found a Screamer." says Saron.

Tianna: "You found a Screamer?" responds Tianna, "How did you find a Screamer?".

Saron: "Wellll haha thats a good question actually." chuckles Saron. Saron seems to be the only one enjoying the conversation, as Ace rolls his eyes and disengages to watch the door.
Saron: "So we were quietly making our way through the parking lot and while we, I mean me. When I was hiding behind one of the trucks I seen a little deadone in the backseat and it looked like it was sleeping so I wasn't sure if it was alive or not." states Saron.

Allunah: "So you woke it up?" asks Allunah.

Saron: "No, actually Ace did." Responds Saron.

Ace: "Wait I did what now?" says Ace.

Cole: "How did Ace wake up the Screamer?" asks Cole.

Saron: "When he killed one of the deadheads it fell against a car which was loud enough to wake it up." Says Saron.

Ace: "I call bullshit." adds Ace.

Cole: "So now it Ace's fault?" says Cole.

Saron: "Exactly, it had to be him cuz I didn't do anything to wake it up. I was just looking at it." explains Saron.

Donte: "You sure it wasn't your hot ass breath hitting the window that didn't wake up the Screamer." jokes Donte.

Saron: "Hey You Shut Up, Maybe it was Your hot ass breath!" responds Saron.

Donte: "How could it been me? I was on the other side dumbass." responds Donte.

Cole: "Ok ok it doesn't matter whos fault it was, the Screamer was probably going to wake up eventually." says Cole.
Allunah starts laughing at Saron and Donte bickering as she finishes wrapping Dash.

Tyreek: "So after you guys woke up the Screamer, ya thought it was a good idea to run in here..." says Tyree.

Cole: "We had no where else to go, the dead started coming from everywhere. And you know how after those things scream all of the dead get amped up turning them into red eyes." says Cole.

Tianna: "Well did ya at least kill the Screamer?" says Tianna.

Ace: "No, the dumb bitch got away, they always run after causing commotion. Those damn Screamers." says Ace as he clinches his hand up in a fist.

Dash: "Have you guys ever dealt with a Screamer before?" ask Dash.

Tianna: "Yeah once, but not really, we heard one screaming from a distance, a few weeks back. We seen how the dead reacts to them and we went our separate way." Says Tianna.

Old Man: "Sounds like those things are a lot of trouble." adds the Old Man.

Saron: "Man you guys have no clue there was this one time.." starts up Saron but then he stops due to everyone giving him a look. "ehh never mind it wasn't important anyway."
Cole then realizes Tyree is still looking out the window at the dead and joins him.

Cole: "What do you see?" says Cole.

Tyreek: "Whole bunch of freaks everywhere." Responds Tyreek as he continues to look out the window.

Cole: "Yeah maybe we should step away from the windows before they see us and start trying to come in through the windows."

Tyreek instantly gets irriated and steps back from the window.

Tyreek: Well Damn it I don't see ya doing anything to help us get out of here. All you guys are just sitting here chatting, wasting time! Any minute now those freaks are gonna bust through that door and we're dead."

Next thing you know the banging on the door gets louder as the door begins to crack and break...    

  • Results
    Zombie Kills

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