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A member of Death Syndicate and older brother of Sabu & Saben. Sabbath is one of the Most dangerous people in the world.

  • Skills
Sabbath is a hardcore badass, able to fight with the best of them and kill with the best of them. Sabbath shows no fear when facing the dead or people. He is very skilled with blades, and guns.
Weapons / Loadout

  • Appearance
Sabbath has tons and tons of tattoos all over his body and even a few on his face. Sabbath has a mean demeanor, with bad energy flowing around him. Sabbath has black hair 

  • Personality
Sabbath is a badass with a mean demeanor with a short temper to go behind it. He is a heavy shit talker, always cursing and threating anything and anyone that is agaisnt him. Of course Sabbath believes everyone is agaisnt him due to his upbringing. 
Fun Facts

  • Dead Day
  • Before The Apocalypse
Sabbath has been in and out of jail his entire life. His first time spent behind bars was when he was only 11yrs old where he was caught stealing from a local gas station with just a knife. At 11yrs old he was capable of successfully robbing small stores, car jacking and assaulting adults. He was apart of a gang there he made a name for himself by the time he was 13yrs old. They nicked named him "Bad Sab" and people around the city actually feared him. He was far from any ordinary kid. Maybe it was due to his abusive father, maybe it was the bad neighborhood, maybe it was all the drugs and bad tv/music and media that lingered around him and his little brothers. Or Maybe he was just an evil child, well thats what everyone thought of him and his two little brothers. His two younger brothers Sabu & Saben looked up to Sabbath. Sabu being 4yrs younger and Saben being 6yrs younger wanted to be just like Sabbath. Sabbath was actually good to them growing up, teaching them how to fight, how to shit talk and just be a badass. When Sabbath was 12yrs old he got his first tattoo, which was a face tattoo of a knife on the side of his face. His two little brothers thought it was just the coolest thing and begged Sabbath to pay for them to get one too. In less than a week Sabbath had robbed two grown business men and convinced his tatt man to tattoo his two younger brothers. Sabu was only 8yrs old and Saben 6yrs old when they got matching stars alongside with Sabbath on their right shoulders. They vowed from that day on to always have each others back because they were blood brothers till the day they die.... Their mother Sammatha was a junkie, addicted to all kinds of drugs and very strung out all the time. She had no control of her own decisions by this point so her three sons literally did whatever they wanted. They all dropped out of school before they reached high school and were in the streets causing havoc. Their father was a no good drunk and drug dealer that was always in and out of jail. But when he wasn't in jail he would come home and viciously beat them and their mother until he would black out. So once Sabbath turned 13yrs old he vowed he will kill his own father the next chance he got. Shortly after his father broke out of jail after being jailed for abusing everyone in their home and waving a gun and threating to kill everyone. Sabu and Saben were home alone with their mom Sammatha when their Father came home that day. They instantly ran out the house knowing what would happen next and ran to get their older brother Sabbath. Once Sabbath got ear of their father returning home what happened next would be hard to witness... Sabbath at 13yrs old ultimately got into a huge fight with his father that left him in critical condition and his father dead... five stab wounds to the face and five stab wounds to the chest is what the report said. Because of his father jailbreak and history Sabbath was ruled using self defense but his mother and two brothers knew that Sabbath was out to kill their father and he damn right deserved it. Afterwards his mother was proud of Sabbath and saw him as their protector. Everyone in the house saw him as the man of the house and Sabbath took care of everything and everyone when he got out the hospital. From then on Sabbath ran the streets with his brothers coming up right behind him. By time Sabbath was 18yrs old he had been in and out of jail 5 times and gotten away with many more accounts of theft, assault, drug dealing and even homicide along with other gang activity. Sabbath was a hardcore badass with a crazy upbringing to go along with it.




Towards Saben




Towards Sabbath


Saben (Brother)
Black Sleek
Aligned Organization


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