BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  • Skills
Shia is a former EMT before the apocalypse, so he is skilled at treating injuried people on the fly. Which is very useful during missions therefore his serves as a scout medic. He is also skilled at fighting zombies and is pretty smart. He moves pretty quickly and likes to stick to a plan.

  Weapons / Loadout
Pistol & Knife
Pistol, PoleAxe & Knife  
  • Appearance
  • Personality
Fun Facts
  • Dead Day
On the day the apocalypse started Shia was in the middle of working a shift as an EMT. Him and two other EMTs are racing to the hospital while they have a a lady on the stretcher that has been bitten on the neck and wrist. Shia is in the passanger seat while one girl is driving and one guy in the back applying pressure to the bitten lady's neck to slow the bleeding. The bitten lady ends up dying and turning to a zombie very quickly, biting the guy that is in the back on the forearm and doesn't let go. The guy starts yelling and panicking trying to get the zombie to release his arm. The guy is screaming "Shes biting me and won't let go!". Shia quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and rushes to the back to help. Shia is then shocked by what he sees as the zombie has blood shot red eyes as it is ripping his coworker's forearm apart with its teeth as blood is gushing everywhere. "Oh My God..." says Shia. "Help Me!". screams the guy thats getting bit. The zombie is stuck locked in on the stretcher, only able to use its bite because its torso is strapped down. The girl thats driving the ambulance truck gets distracted by whats happening in the back of the truck and takes a look back. "Whats Whats Happening??" says the girl. As soon as she looks back on the road a zombie has rushed out into traffic, causing her to swerve out the street and turning the truck over crashing into another car that had moved to the side to make way for the ambulance. The crash is really bad and the zombie that was locked in on the stretcher breaks out the stretcher and the girl that was driving the ambulance truck is knocked out.

  • Before The Apocalypse
5ft 8
Aligned Organization


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