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Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 2

  • Objective / Main Focal Point
The Main Focal Point of this mission is the Spitter bringing a horde to Stone Ridge. Showing the Spitter’s ability to hunt and how deadly a Spitters is. Now that Stone Ridge has been compremized The Objective is to no longer defend but to escape Stone Ridge. Stone Ridge vs Spitter Horde. This is Part 2 of the Stone Ridge vs Spitter Horde Battle.

  • Characters
Basically Everyone at Stone Ridge.
Cole, Ace, Dash, Marz, Donte, Saron, Tianna, Drew, Allunah, Moon, Brenda, Stan, Dianna, Jack, Grace, Shia, Selvin, Marz’s Mom, Mr.Scott, Blake, Brook, Mason

Ace: Assault Rifle & Machete
Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Marz: Rifle & Knife
Tianna: Rifle & Knife
Drew: Assault Rifle
Allunah: Pistol
Dianna: Assault Rifle
Donte: Shotgun & Bat
Saron: Bombs
Stan: Assault Rifle
Mr.Scott: Pistol & Knife
Jack: Assault Rifle & Knife
Brenda: None
Grace: None
Selvin: Pistol
Shia: Pistol & Knife
Marz's Mom: Pistol & Knife
Blake: Pistol & Knife

  • Settings
Summer. Middle of the Night at Stone Ridge. Season 3 Finale

  • Details
The walls at Stone Ridge has been breached and the dead has started flooding their way into Stone Ridge. Everyone at Stone Ridge is in shock, some people instantly run away while others run to fight. Ace lets out a heavy battle cry as he shoots a full clip from his assault rifle. Cole pulls out his pistol, Dash his bow and Donte his shotgun. Things slow down as bullets connect to heads, an arrow hitting and sticking a zombie to the wall while people running past them looking for safety. You can see some people has been hit by the debris from the blast and is now being eaten by zombies. Brenda is behind them holding her baby Mason's ears shut as Mason cries. Mr.Scott and Marz's Mom are behind them aswell.

Brenda: "There is too many of them!" shouts Brenda

Marz's Mom: "Where is Marz? He went to the walls right? WHere is he?"

Dash: "Where is Saron?!"

Donte: "Saron got caught in the blast! His ass is probably dead." says Donte as he reloads his shotgun.

Mr.Scott: "Its Over... Stone Ridge, Our Home its-"

Ace: "No, No!" screams Ace as he attempts to reload his assault rifle but is too blinded by rage he can't get the clip in.
Cole and Dash continues to shoot as the camera hones in on Ace. Everything begins to slow down for Ace as he hears screaming, gunfire and baby Mason crying. To make matters worst Ace can hear the Death Spirit's laugh as he still struggles to reload his gun.

Ace: "GOD DAMN IT!" shouts Ace as he throws his gun onto the floor. Ace takes out his machete and tries to run into battle but is then stopped by his sister Brenda who grabs Ace by the shirt. Everyone takes notice.

Brenda: "ACE! Stop what are you thinking?!"

Ace can't utter a response as he is too caught up in the moment. Ace tries to shake Brenda off but is grabbed by Cole.

Cole: "Ace You Have To Stop Do You Hear ME?!" shouts Cole

Baby Mason somehow manages to cry louder.

Ace: "I Can't! Let Go of Me! I can't let this happen! I said I wouldn't!"

Cole: "This isn't about You Ace!"

Dash and Donte continues to fire their weapons at the zombies pouring in, as Cole and Brenda stops Ace. Selvin and Jack then arrives behind them seeing the breach and seeing Ace have a meltdown.

Cole: "You rush into that horde and then what? You Die?! What does that solve?! This isn't about you Ace! We have to get these people out of here! Before its too late."

Ace falls to his knees at the sound of that as Cole holds onto him.

Mr.Scott: "Stone Ridge may have fallen but the people, our people... We can still go on" adds Mr.Scott as he wipes a tear from his eye.

Cole: "What do you want to do? Rush in and Die or Do you want to Fight alongside us?!"

Donte: "Oh shit! They're closing in!"

Ace then makes a decision as he stares and grabs his gun from off the floor. Ace makes his way to his feet as baby Mason cries lower. Ace finally manages to reload his assault rifle and mudders.

Ace: "Fight."

The scene then cuts to Marz, Tianna and the others ontop of the wall. Marz (being closer to the blast) crawls over to the ledge as he sees the huge breach in the wall caused by Saron.

Marz: "No..." says Marz

Drew: "MARZ!! ARE You ok??!" shouts Drew from a distance ontop of the wall.
Marz almost doesn't even hear Drew, he is stuck staring at the dead marching into Stone Ridge.

  Brook: "COME ON!" shouts Brook as she grabs Drew. " WE HAVE TO Go NOW!" demands Brook as she tugs on him. Brook, Drew, Tianna and Allunah starts running away from ontop of the wall.

  Marz still in shock still watching the dead coming in Stone Ridge, he also looks around searching for Saron but due to the rumble and chaos he is no where to be found. Marz takes notice that the blast was so strong that pieces of the wall flew and hit people that was nearby causing them to get eaten by zombies. The blast also hit nearby homes which caused a fire because of lit torches being knocked over.

Marz: "No..." mudders Marz.

All chaos has commence within the walls of Stone Ridge. Fires has started, people are dying while a horde of zombies flood into their once safe community. All you can hear is screams, gunfire and zombies grunting.

The scene then switches back to Ace, Cole & the others facing the horde pouring in with their guns.

Cole spots a bloatter coming through the hole in the wall the blast left. He takes aim and shoots it, making it explode and take out other zombies around it.
Cole: "Make sure to Take out All the Bloatters you see! They'll make quick work of others too!" orders Cole.

Jack: "Have you seen Grace!?" asks Jack to Brenda as he clutches her shirt in desperation, hoping she knows the answer. But Brenda doesn't know, as she looks back at him with a worried face.

Jack: "I've been looking for before the explosion, but I can't find-" says Jack but is then cut off by a distance scream.

Grace: "AAHHHH" screams Grace, as she finds herself on the floor with zombies closing in on her. Grace was at the wall, near the explosion.

Jack, Brenda & Mar's Mom eyes instantly see Grace as Grace is struggling to get to her feet while zombies start rushing at her.

Jack: "NOOO GRACE!" shouts Jack as he starts sprinting towards her.
Some of the others now see the situation Grace is in. They also notice Marz ontop of the walls nearby Grace as well.

Dash: "Oh shit theres Marz right there!" shouts Dash, pointing to the top of the walls.
Marz has now risen to his feet, standing up there in shock staring at the zombies coming in.

Marz's Mom: "MAARRZZ!!" Yells Marz's Mom, repeatedly trying to get his attention, but Marz hasn't locked in yet.

Meanwhile Jack is racing to his daughter Grace's rescue but all he has is a knife. There are zombies in the way so all he can do is charge and bump right through them.

  Cole: "Cover Him!" commands Cole as he, Ace and Dash start firing at the zombies surrounding Jack and Grace.

Jack takes down a zombie, stabbing it in the head and pushing it into another zombie knocking it down. Jack is now inches away from Grace who has now managed to get to her feet but is then grabbed on the arm by a zombie. Grace lets out a huge gasp.

Jack: "NOO!" yells Jack as he makes his way to grabbing that zombie by the neck and stabbing it in the head before it bites Grace. Grace is in shock as she blinks twice as her life almost flashed before her eyes.
Marz is then caught onto the situtation that is happening almost directly below him from the wall with Jack & Grace.

Marz's Mom: "MARZ HELP JACK HURRY!" Yells Marz's Mom as she sees that Marz is came back to his senses.

Marz then starts firing at the zombies coming at Jack & Grace with his rifle. Jack grabs Grace and tries to escape but a couple zombies grab at Jack's shoulder and arm. Jack stabs one while the other bites his arm!

Grace: "NOO Dad!" cries Grace as she sees him get bit on the forearm.

Jack tries to fight it of but misses his knife on the zombie's shoulder and the knife gets stuck, while the zombie continues to bite his arm. *BOOM BOOM* goes Marz's rifle as he gets the second shot to kill the zombie biting Jack, allowing Jack to get free and escape with Grace.

  *Next scene*
The next scene shows whats happening at the infirmary with the Doctor, Jones & Dianna working on healing Pete.
Dianna rushes to the window, peaking through the blinds and she sees the diaster happening at the main entrance.

Dianna: "Oh My God. We have to go!" states Dianna

Doctor: "What? No we can't go, Pete's injuries-" responds the doctor.

Dianna: "No We Have to go. Theres a huge hole in the wall and now the dead is inside and its tons of them!"

Doctor: "What?!"

Pete: "AHh!" grunt pete because the doctor made an aggressive move.

Dianna: "Did you not hear that blast?! And the gunfire?!"

Jones stops helping with Pete and rush over to the window to check it out...

Jones: "OH Shes right, we-we have to Go." says Jones as his jaw drops.

Doctor: "Ok just give me 2 mins to finish this-"

Dianna: "No, We have to Go Now!"

Doctor: "but-"

Dianna: "Now! WE Have to Go Now!" shouts Dianna as she starts rushing the Doctor.

Jones: "Theres so many of them, but-but how? Why are they all here, all at once like this. What brought them here...." questions Jones as he is still staring out the window.

  *Next Scene*
We cut back to Ace, Cole and the others at the frontlines facing the zombies. Jack and Grace manages to make it back to them and Marz is tagging behind too. They all see the bite mark on Jack's elbow.

  Brenda: "Grace are you ok?" asks Brenda as she puts her hand on the side of her shoulder.
Grace doesn't respond and just looks at the ground. Marz's Mom runs to Marz as he catches up. She tries to hug him but Marz is busy trying to reload his rifle.

Marz's Mom: "Are you hurt? Did you get hit by the blast??" asks Marz's Mom to Marz.

Cole: "Marz did you see exactly what happen?"

Marz: "I'm fine. But That Fucking Idiot Saron fucked us! He dropped a bomb right on a bloatter and the wall.... Stone Ridge is finished... "

Ace, Donte and Dash are still shooting while the others converse.

Marz: "tst if I was any closer to that blast I wouldve been a goner."

Dash takes aim with his arrow at a bloatter far in the crowd of zombies and looks over to Marz out the corner of his eye and ask-
Dash: "Did Saron survive the blast? Did you see him?"

Mr.Scott: "How about Stan? He was there too right?"

Marz: "Oh Saron is dead, there is no way he survive that. Stan.. I didn't see him. I don't know he was right there, he probably got killed in the blast too... "

Mr.Scott: "Damn It"

Dash fires his arrow at the bloatter, exploding the bloatter making a circle of dead zombies appear while a couple of them struggle to ge back to its feet.

Dash: "tst"

Marz's Mom: "what do we do now?"

Marz: "What Can We Do?! We're Dead Thanks To That DUmbass! If He wasn't already Dead I'd Kill Him MySelf!" shouts Marz as he continues to get more angry.

Marz's Mom: "Marz...." says Marz's mom worriedly

Cole: "We must evacuate as much people as we can. If we can hold off the horde as long as possible maybe everyone can make it out the South Gate."

Marz's Mom: "But aren't there deadones all around the outside of the wall? How are we going to make it through that?"

Cole: We'll have people on that end clearing out a path, there can't be that many still on that end as before."

Marz: "Drew, Tianna, Allunah and Brook are already headed that way from ontop of the wall. They have guns and a bunch of ammo."

Cole: "Ok that sounds like a team to get that job done but they may need help." says Cole. He looks around and see Brenda, Mason and Grace is still here on the battlefield, he then notice Donte's car is here too.

Cole: "Donte."

Donte: "What?" responds Donte as you see him finishing a kill on a Tank zombie and he stops to reload his shotgun.

Cole: "Take Brenda, Mason, Selvin, Mr.Scott, Jack and Grace to the South Gate in your car. They have no place on the battlefield with us. Tell everyone the plan and help gather as much stuff as you can."

Donte: "On it." says Donte as he takes his car keys out and rushes to his car.

Brenda: "Wait are you guys seriously going to face this horde?!"

Ace: "What choice do we have?! We have to get everyone left a chance to make it out of here."

Mr.Scott: "Yeah... Everyone..."

Selvin: "I want to help fight off the horde with you guys."

Ace: "NO"

Cole: "Selvin we need you at the South Gate to help lead the people out safely"
You can hear the engine of Donte's car start up, now that hes gotten inside.

Brenda: "Selvin please come with me, I'll need the help protecting Mason."

Mr.Scott: " I would come with you guys but I must go and get Blake out his cell."

Dash: "What?"

Mr.Scott:" You guys said it, we must get everyone else left out of here, that means him too."
A couple of the others nod their heads no
Mr.Scott: "He helped build this place and was our strongest fighter before you guys came along, it wouldn't be right to leave him to die like this."

Cole: "Well if thats what you think is right then you're going to need this too, just in case." says Cole as he hands Mr.Scott his pistol.

Mr.Scott: "Thanks, I'll see you guys at the south gate." responds Mr.Scott as he takes the pistol and runs off.

Marz: "You should go with them mom, they could use your leadership at the south gate."

Marz's Mom: "No, I'm staying with you son. To make sure you make it."

Donte pulls up in his car with the windows down.
Donte: "Everyone coming Hop In!"
Brenda, Mason, Selvin and Grace hops in the car, while Jack helps buckle Grace up..

Donte: "Ace, Cole. Dash & I stopped at the armory before getting here." starts Donte as he pops the trunk of his car. "You guys are going need everything you can carry if you guys are going to pull this off."

Ace: "Thanks Man."

Dash start handing out guns and ammo to everyone from the trunk.

Ace takes a pistol and hands it to Selvin whos in the backseat.
Ace: "Just in case we don't make..."

Brenda: "You will."

Cole: "We will." says Cole as he gives a smile.

Dash shuts the trunk and daps up Donte.
Donte: "Remeber Dash we grabbed all the arrows there was"

Dash: "I'll use my pistol first. Heres the remaining shotgun ammo." says Dash as he hands Donte ammo.

Grace: "Dad?" questions Grace

Jack: "Grace... I'm not coming.."

Grace: "But-"
Jack turns and face the rest of the group standing outside the car.

Jack: "I must stay and hold off the horde with the rest of you."

Marz's Mom: "Jack no you don't have to-"
Jack: "No I must, I'm already been bitten, Its best if I can make sure it doesn't happen to the rest of you. My daughter is safe now, and I believe in you guys to keep it that way. But she must make it out of this Hell Hole first.

Cole: "There has to be another way, we can still cut your arm off, to stop the-"

Jack: "We don't have time. This is my call ok."
  Mason starts crying again and so does Grace. Jack turns to Brenda and Mason.

Jack: "Brenda, I'm entrusting you to look after my baby. You'll do a fine job, I know you will. Look at how your doing with your baby boy through all this." says Jack
Brenda nods her head yes as she starts to cry. Jack then turns to his daughter Grace to say his goodbyes.
  Jack: "Grace.... You're mother and I love you very deeply. You made us both very proud, you are smart, strong, brave and beautiful. We made all of our sacrifices for you and I know it is all worth it because one day you will be stronger than both of us. I want you to follow Brenda and the rest of our group as long as you can. Although your your mom and I will be gone, you will still have a family with these guys. I know they will do their best to help you grow and keep you safe. And they will need you to help them keep them safe too. Brenda will be looking after you now and I want you to help look after her boy Mason as if he was your brother." Jack and Grace begin to cry while the others try to keep it together. "I'm sorry but I have to go now. We will always be with you." finishes Jack as he holds onto the necklace Jack gave Grace earlier in the season.

  Jack taps the car twice giving Donte the signal to go and he does. You can see Grace staring out the window as they ride off, Brenda grabs her hand as Donte speeds off.
Ace grabs Jack's shoulder and nods his head yes.

Jack: "May I have a rifle?" Marz's Mom gives up the rifle shes been holding onto.
Jack: "Thank you."

Dash happens to see Tianna, Drew and the rest of them running across the top of the wall.
Dash: "I can see Drew and them right over there."

Marz: "You think they may already know what we're planning?"

Dash: "I can draw their attention, maybe they'll get the idea if we give them some signals" says Dash as he begins to take aim at them with his bow.

Marz's Mom: "Wait I can write a note, I heard you delivered a note with your arrow before right?" says Marz's Mom as she goes in her bag and grabs a paper and pencil and starts to write.
Dash shoots an arrow hitting at the wall right in front of them. Allunah in the front notices the arrow first and instanly knows its from Dash. She comes to a halt as Brook runs into the back of her.

Brook: "Whats the hold up?!"

Allunah: "Look!" says Allunah as she points at the arrow.
The rest of them sees the arrow and then looks off in the distance to see Dash and the others.

Tianna: "Theres a note on it!".
Allunah reaches down at the arrow and grabs the note.

Allunah: "Head to South Gate, Clear the way out. Tell others to prepare to leave. We'll hold off the horde, see you there." reads Allunah.

Drew: "There is no way they can hold off that horde, thats suicide..."

Tianna: "What other choice do we have, we'll need the time to clear the dead on that end and to get everybody on board. "

Brook: "tsst"

Tianna: "If anyone can do it they can."
They all look at the others from ontop of the wall. Dash and Cole gives them a thumbs up from a distance, knowing they wouldn't be able to hear them from the distance. Tianna, Allunah and Drew give them a thumbs up back.

Drew: "Come on lets go!" says Drew as he picks back up the ammo supply bag and they all take off.

  *INFO CARD APPEARS In Between Scenes*
The Info Card shows a map of Stone Ridge as of its present state showing where people are, buildings and the horde is currently. You can see Donte's car driving down the main road to the south gate. Tianna and others on the west side wall heading to the south gate. Cole, Ace and the group thats holding off the horde standing in front of the horde coming through the main entrance as it is destroyed. Buildings like the town hall, the infirmary and peoples houses too. It also shows a question mark of where the Spitter might be but its a mystery...

*Meanwhile at the South Gate*
The other Stone Ridge survivors are in confusion of whats fully going on and what to do. Then Shia comes running with the news...

  Shia: "The Horde has broken in! The wall has fallen!" shouts Shia as he tries to catch his breath.

Random Stone Ridge Survivors: "HOW?!" "No WAY?!" "OH NO" "WE ARE DOOMED!" "We Have to get out of here!" "But WE Can't! Theres more dead outside the South Gate too Look!" "So We're Trapped?!" Everyone starts panicking.

  Steven: "Where are the others??" asks Steven as he steps out the crowd.

Shia: "I saw Cole, Ace and his crew trying to fight off the horde but the amount of dead ones..."

Steven: "They are going to need help." says Steven as he takes out his knife and runs off.

Karen: "IS HE STUPiD?! There is no way they can fight off a horde!"

Random Survivors: "What ARE We Supposed to Do?!" "We Are going to DiE!" "Lets just rush out the South Gate, WE all won't make it but maybe some of us will!" "Thats better than just waiting for death." "No But what about the others?!" "They Are Stonger than Us, They have a better chance making it than we do!" "NO!"

Shia: "Everyone StOp, That will just make matters worst!"

But no one is listening. They continue to argue and some begin to cry.

Moon steps out the crowd to comfort Shia, as he is still trying to catch his breath.
Moon: "You think they can do it?" ask Moon.

Shia: "I don't know.... Do you?" responds Shia as he begins to cough out of exhaustion.
Moon looks off to the distance as she see Steven sprinting off. They can hear gunfire and screaming.
The camera pans up and outwards as you see there are lots of zombies outside the South Gate but it is thinning out as they are starting to travel around.

  *Next Scene*
Back to the crew fighting off the horde. They are all shooting as they been backing up further and further.

Marz: "They just keep coming!" shouts Marz as he reloads his rifle.

Cole: "Hang in there! We'll drop back soon"

Marz's Mom: "You think Donte made it to the South Gate Yet?!"

Dash: "Knowing him hes there already."

Ace: "It doesn't matter! They are going to need more time to clear a path! And if we drop back too fast then we'll all be backed into a wall!"

Jack clearly didn't like the sound of that as he makes an angry grunt and and unloads his AR.

Marz: "OH SHit!" screams Marz as he spots two Tanks making its way to them.

Cole: "Lets Back Up Now!

Ace: "NOO! Every second counts!" shouts Ace as he then unloads his AR at the Tank but it doesn't die.

Jack: "You Guys Drop Back. I'll give it my all here while you guys make a new stand elsewhere!" shouts Jack as he reloads his AR

Cole: "What? No!"

Jack: "No You guys don't have a choice. I'm dead already, just make sure you guys carry out the plan. This is how it has to be!" shouts Jack, while everyone gives him a look of acceptance.
Jack: "GO NOW! SAVE My Daughter! Save the others!" shouts Jack as he takes steps forward, while the others drop back.
Jack: "AHHHHH" screams Jack

He unloads his AR, shooting a bloatter that explodes and kills one tank and knocks over the other tank. But then his AR clicks as it runs out of ammo. The others notices the shots stop as they take a look back. They created a good amount of distance between them and the horde but can still see everything happening with Jack. Jack takes out his knife and starts stabbing away as the zombies get a hold of him. The tank that hand fallen grabs his ankle as it is still on the ground. Taking Jack down from underneath him, rendering Jack useless as he begins to get takeover by the horde. All you hear is screams as he gets eaten. The crew moves on as they know watching would only make it worst, it was Jacks wishes. Maybe his body getting eaten bought them extra time, maybe it did not. All they can do is carry on the mission.

  • Results
Stone Ridge has been breached, zombies are taking over the community. There is way too many to fight so our survivors decided the best thing to do is retreat. They've come up with a plan to make it work but will it? We already lost many including Jack, Saron and others. Will our survivors make it out alive??!
Find Out What Happens Next Here -> Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 3  

  Zombie Kills
Alot of zombie killing happen in this mission but we will cover the kills that happen within this article. First I'll put characters In order from Greatest to Least amount of kills to make it simple.
To explain the order of amount of kills here can be summed up to the weapons the characters use and the time given to rack up kills. Starting with Ace (1st) who is a notorious gunslinger, Ace is using an automatic assualt rifle which gives him more opportunity to take out more zombies in less time. Although he had a moment in the beginning that took away time from him killing zombies he still has the weaponary to cover that. Donte (2nd) he is wielding a shotgun which can capable of taking out lots of zombies in just one shot. Although by the end of the passage he drove off to the south gate, I put him 2nd due to the fact that he has a notiable tank kill before taking off and he didn't take any breaks from shooting from the start till he drove off. Cole (3rd) is using a pistol which isn't as fast at killing as a AR or Shotgun but Cole is a top tier zombie killer that makes every bullet count. Although he has a couple moments of being distracted he always make every bullets connect to heads when he draws his pistol. Also Cole will have a notiable bloatter kill which will probably be his first bloatter kill within the series and killing a bloatter causes it to explode kills nearby zombies. Jack (4th) is given a automatic assualt rifle from Donte's car. He also has his heroic moment in the end of the passage also being driven by rage to protect his daughter gets the nod to 4th place. Jack also kills a tank and bloatter in the end of passage. Dash (5th) is wielding a bow which is the slowest method of killing by range. Although he makes every arrow count he only has but so many arrows which you can see him carrying so yeah its not like he couldve possibly gotten like 40-50 arrow kills because he isn't carrying that many. Dash also kills a bloatter somewhere in there too. Dash picks up a pistol from Donte's car and uses it in the end part of this passage. Marz (6th) is using a single shooter rifle which isn't bad but he isn't as skilled with shooting as the others just yet. He also we caught in shock at the start of the passage too. Then you have Marz's Mom in last which is due to her not doing any killing till the end of the passage. She also isn't a skilled shooter/zombie killer as anyone else here. But thats all the zombie killers in this passage. Other characters are busy doing other things that didn't involve killing zombies.


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