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The Death Spirit

A spirit that was spawned due to the creation of the zombie virus. He goes by the Death Spirit or The Sinister. Although The Sinister isn't exactly a zombie it is the entity behind all the zombies, he also created most of these special zombies. The Sinister can produce curses on people, making them stronger and/or more dangerous. He can only be seen by people he wants to be seen by, in other words he only reveals himself to certain people. He likes to use/trick people for his own gain, he calls these people his “puppets”. The Sinister is a very powerful deadly spirit that gains power from every death that happens in the world. Therefore he becomes more powerful as time goes by. The Sinister spends his power when he puts curses on people and when he reveals himself to the living. He spends his time overseeing world destruction, plotting and watching his puppets do work. Bringing death to the world is his only goal, he wants all the living to be dead, even his own puppets. The Sinister cannot be killed, you can only stop his evil plans and keep living for as long as you can. The Death Spirit cannot do anything physical (well besides the one time he entered a deadone’s body to fight Jordan Savage, which caused him to lose alot of his power) he can only plant seeds (carry out plans / place curses). The three main curses the Sinister cast are the Death Curse, Savage Curse and Main Curse.


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