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Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 3

  • Objective / Main Focal Point
  Main Focal Point of this mission is the Spitter horde bringing taking over Stone Ridge. Showing the Spitter’s ability to hunt and how deadly a Spitters is. Now that Stone Ridge has been compremized our survivors are fighting for their lives in a deadly situtation. The Objective is to no longer defend but to escape Stone Ridge. Spitter Horde vs Stone Ridge. This is Part 3 of the Stone Ridge vs Spitter Horde Battle.

  • Characters
Basically Everyone at Stone Ridge.
Cole, Ace, Dash, Marz, Donte, Saron, Tianna, Drew, Allunah, Moon, Brenda, Stan, Dianna, Jack, Grace, Shia, Selvin, Marz’s Mom, Mr.Scott, Blake, Brook, Mason

  • Loadouts
Ace: Assault Rifle & Machete
Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Marz: Rifle & Knife
Tianna: Rifle & Knife
Drew: Assault Rifle
Allunah: Pistol
Dianna: Assault Rifle
Donte: Shotgun & Bat
Saron: Bombs
Stan: Assault Rifle
Mr.Scott: Pistol & Knife
Jack: Assault Rifle & Knife
Brenda: None
Grace: None
Selvin: Pistol
Shia: Pistol & Knife
Marz's Mom: Pistol & Knife
Blake: Pistol & Knife

  • Settings
Summer. Middle of the Night at Stone Ridge. Season 3 Finale

  • Action
  At the South Gate you see people still panicking. Some randoms are trying to open the South Gate to escape but Shia and Moon are stopping them. Thats when everyone hears the engine of Donte's car coming. Donte drifts into the scene and comes to a halt reaching the South Gate. Moon runs to the car as all the car doors open.

  Moon: "Donte!"

Donte: "You guys alright?"

Shia: "No these people are scared they almost opened up the South Gate!"

Random Survivors: "Where is everyone else?" "Are you guys all thats left?!!" "We're Leaving!"

Brenda: "NO! Thats not how we do this!"

Karen: "THen What Do We Do Then? Sit and wait?!"

Brenda: "Drew, Tianna, Brook and Allunah are ontop of the walls. They'll be here shortly to clear us a path!"

Randoms: "So We WAIT?!" "My GOD"

Brenda: "No we prepare to go! Grab what you can and prepare cars for us to go!"

Moon: "The Bus! Where is the Metro Bus they brought in a month ago?"
AL walks out the crowd, it is he who knows how to operate the metro bus.

AL: "I Knew the bus would come in handy! I'll grab the bus right now!." Shouts AL as he runs off.

Shia: "I'll come too, everyone else gather supplies!"

Linda: "I'll grab some plants from my farm." says the old lady Linda as she walks off

Moon: "Donte how are they? You think they'll be ok? How did this even happen??"

Donte: "Ugh Saron dropped some bombs on the dead but that shit backfired. Saron is Dead now. The rest of them are fighting the horde, but Jack already been bit and they only have but so much ammo."
Grace gets out the car and puts her head back down hearing that.

  Moon: "And Dash? He didn't get caught up with Saron did he?"

Donte: "Dash is fine, hes still fighting with the rest of them."

Moon: "Ok... I'm going to help Linda. Brenda you stay put, make sure they follow direction."

Everyone splits up as they now know what to do now.

Back to the horde fighting team, they made it back to the infirmary. They see Dianna rushing out carrying an AR. Behind her is the Doctor and Jones carrying Pete.

  Dianna: "ACE!" shouts Dianna to grab their attention.

  The horde fighting crew turn and are suprised to see them leaving the infirmary.

  Ace: "Dianna?? What are you guys doing here?!" responds Ace

Dianna: "We had to bring Pete and supplies, then the dead showed up at our windows!"

Ace: "HUH?! The Dead made it Here? But How?! We been fighting off the horde back there." states Ace as he grabs onto Dianna's arm as she reaches them.

Jones and the doctor carrying Pete are lagging behind. As you see zombies making their way from around the building to them. Cole begins to run to them to help carrying his tomahawks. While Marz starts shooting at them with his rifle.

Dianna: "No They are here! They are-"

  Out of nowhere the Spitter appears! The Spitter drops down from the roof of the infirmary and lands directly ontop of Pete! (Air Assassination) Knocking over the doctor and Jones who were carrying Pete. Everyone is completley in shock of the sight of seeing the Spitter. The Spitter menacing stand ontop of Pete, as the Spitter stares back at everyone. The survivors instanty recgonizes that it is the same Spitter from the hardware store due to Dash's arrow still being stuck in its chest.

  Marz: "No way! Is that??" utters Marz as they are frozen in fear

  The Spitter lets out a loud screech as Jones and the Doctor turn and face it on their backs still on the floor... while the bunch of zombies from behind the infirmary start rushing to them. Everyone pulls out their weapons to shoot. Dash drawing his bow, Marz his rifle. Ace shoves Dianna to the side as he tries to take his shot. Cole, (being the closest) begins to switch his tomahawks out for his pistol.

  Jones: "Its Youu... The Spitter brought the horde...." utters Jones.  

Jones and the Doctor are inches away as the Spitter casses its fear upon the are. Everyone sees the Spitter step on Pete's head, pressuring Petes head into the street. Vomit begins dripping, landing into the pavement next to them. Jones quickly faces the others and begins to shout!

Jones: "The Spitter Brought Them Here! IT WaS The-" goes Jones but is interuptted..

The Spitter: "AHAT PuTAh" goes the spitter spitting directly onto Jones head!

Jones face instantly smacks the floor to being hit on the back of the head by the Spitter's vomit. Everyone fires their weapons as time slows down. But the other zombies make it there in time, indirectly shielding the Spitter. The zombies run up on the Doctor! As he is still laying on the ground next to his brother Jones.

  Ace: "NOOOO!!" shouts Ace as he fire everything he has left into the horde.

Doctor: "AHHHHH" Screams the Doctor as tries his hardest to crawl away but the zombies grab him and start eating him.

  Cole back peddles as he begins firing his pistol too but no one manages to hit and kill the Spitter. Cole back peddling bumps into Ace as both of their guns have ran out of bullets. Clicking away. Marz then grabs onto Cole by the shirt, convicing him to fall back. Dianna tuggs away at Ace. Its too late, the Spitter has gotten its prey as the area beings to be crowded of zombies... The crew falls back but continues to watch on as they see the Spitter ripping Pete apart, scratching up Pete's back and biting off a chunk out of Pete's shoulder. Along with Jones and the Doctor get eaten by the other zombies. Everyone stunned by the sight, as they struggle to look away while trying to fall back. The Spitter begins to swing its arms around, smacking other zombies in the horde around it. Noticeably The Spitter begins to fight off the other zombies within the horde that try to feast on Pete by slapping and screeching at them! The Spitter screeches on as the camera scans through the surivivors nearby.

Dash: "Oh My God...."

  Cole: "WE HAVE TO Go NOW!" demands Cole. As more zombies including a couple Tanks start flooding from that area.

The survivors run off, leaving the area in defeat as the Spitter Horde is taking over more and more of Stone Ridge. And to make matters worst they now realize the Spitter is upon them. More of their people are dying throughout the night as the battle continues....

*Next Scene*
Mr.Scott has made it to Blake in his cell. Blake is an orginal Stone Ridge member and quite frankly he was their strongest fighter they had before our group came along. But come to find out Blake is a sexual harrasser and was exposed by other members in Stone Ridge. (This will be expanded upon later when I figure that part out lol)
Mr.Scott walks into the room where Blake is locked behind bars.

  Blake: "What is going on out there? Has Stone Ridge Fallen??"

  Mr.Scott doesn't respond. Mr.Scott looks out the window seeing the dead coming from a distance.

Blake: "Answer Me!"

Mr.Scott: "Yes Blake, the dead has made its way inside our walls."

Blake: "How? But our walls have never been close to being breached before. How all of a sudden?"

Mr.Scott: "There is no time to explain."
Mr.Scott. takes out the key and walks closer to the lock.

  Blake: "You- you come to get me out?"

Mr.Scott: "I can't leave you here to die like this. After everything you've did to help build this place.... although you aren't as good as I thought you were. Leaving you here to die like this doesn't fit the punishment for your crime."

Blake is in shock of hearing this.

  Blake: "Mr.... I"

Mr.Scott: "Don't thank me yet. I'm releasing you from your cell, but into a hell of a fight. Stone Ridge still needs you if we are going to survive this."
Mr.Scott puts the key in the lock and takes a look at Blake before unlocking.
Mr.Scott: "Blake can we trust you again?"
Blake doesn't respond as he is lost of words. Then the dead starts banging at the door. Mr.Scott looks back in fear as he knows he took too long with this.

Mr.Scott: "Damn it they are already here."

Blake: "Oh my God you weren't lying about Stone Ridge falling..."

Mr.Scott: "Blake listen to me. Will you fight alongside us again?"
The banging on the door gets louder as the zombies hear them talking.

Blake: "Well It looks like I have no other choice now do I?"

Mr.Scott hesitates to unlock the door but the he sees a tank coming around the building from the windows. He instantly unlocks the cell. Mr.Scott and Blake looks each other dead in the eyes while Blake walks out from his cell.

Blake: "I wish you couldve gotten me out sooner. You unlocked my cell but now we have to bust out of here with the dead in way.

Mr.Scott: " My pistol is fully loaded. Heres a knife, and therers a spear in the corner. You open the door and then we-"

Blake: "I'm the fighter here, I'll call the shots ok." says Blake as he receives the knife from Mr.Scott and grabs the spear.
Blake: "You open the door. I'll charge at them with this spear and push them back. You run right behind me and we get up out of here."

Mr.Scott: "You think you can push them all out the way?"

Blake: "We can't try fighting them in here! Just do what I say. You said it yourself I am your best fighter." demands Blake as he positions his spear in attack mode.

Mr.Scott grabs the door and looks back at Blake. He opens the door and the zombies try rushing in but Blake charges with his spear. Stabbing through two zombies chest and makes a couple more fall over. Mr.Scott rushes behind, taking a couple shots. They make it out the building but is surrounded by zombies. They do the best they can going across the wall as Blake sees an opening. Thats when Blake gets bitten on the shoulder, Mr.Scott shoots the zombie off while also getting grabbed aswell. Blake begins to rage as he see no way out. Thats when Blake disarms the pistol from Mr.Scott and pushes him into the zombies!

  Mr.Scott: "BLAKKE AHHHH NOO-" screams Mr.Scott while the zombies start to eat him alive.

  Blake fights his way out thanks to the dead being distracted by Mr.Scott. Blake gets another bit again on the leg and has been scratched heavy by Mr.Scott on the neck but makes it away.

  *Next Scene*
Back at the South Gate Tianna, Drew, Allunah and Brook arrive from running onttop of the wall. Out of breath they come to a stop and see Donte and others gathering things below.

  Random Stone Ridge Survivor: "Hey Look Drew, Brook, Tianna and Allunah are here!" shouts random in excitement pointing at them from below.

  Brenda: "You guys made it!" shouts Brenda with a smile on her face.

Tianna: "Yeah" says Tianna as she is still trying to catch her breath.
Tianna: "Dash and Cole gave us a message. They want us to prepare to leave while they hold off the horde?"

Brenda: "Yes! You think you can clear out a path so everyone can escape this way?"

Tianna and the others ontop of the wall look on the outside of the wall at the South Gate exit. There are more than a couple dozen zombies scattered there. Drew nods his head yes at Tianna, signing they can.

Tianna: "Yeah we can!" responds Tianna shouting back at Brenda as sweat drips from Tianna's face.

Drew, Allunah and Brook begin to reload their guns to take care of their task at hand. As they reload, baby Mason begins to wine a while Brenda holds him in her arms. Tianna glances back at Brenda as she notices Brenda looking extremely worried.

Tianna: "You look more worried than Mason does. You don't think this will work?" Says Tianna

Brenda: " That horde back there...... I just hope they make it-" Goes Brenda but is then cut off by Tianna.

Tianna: "Don't worry, They can get it done. They always do."

Brenda: "Its so risky.... and you know Ace, hes too headstrong, too stubborn."

Tianna: "Cole isn't going to let Ace doing anything too stupid. I wish he was in Saron's ear before he did what he did, then we wouldn't be in this situation. They are going to give us just enough time to get ready and be on their way."

  Drew, Brook and Allunah are now done reloading their weapons.

Drew: "Alright, I'm locked and loaded. You girls ready?"

Allunah: "Tianna you ready?"

Tianna: "Yeah" responds Tianna then she looks back at Brenda and says "Lets just worry about our part and leave their part to them ok."

Brenda nods her head yes and turns back to what she was doing. AL and Shia starts pulling up with the metro bus. Donte starts directing them where to park it. This gives Brenda hope and she smiles, while Tianna's grow starts shooting down at the zombies.

  *Next Scene*
The Horde fighting team is firing their weapons while running away. Some of the normal zombies are chasing them down.

Ace: "HOW The Fuck Did That Just Happen?!"

Dash: "That was the same damn zombie from the hardware store..."

Cole: "Did you guys hear what Jones said... He called it a Spitter and he said-" says Cole but is interrupted by Marz

Marz: "Yeah We Heard Him!" shouts Marz as he empty his clip. He shoots an extra 3-4x before stopping as you can hear the clicking of his empty gun. Marz starts reloading.


Marz: "I Had To Reload! Got DAMN IT! I WOULD'VE HAD IT!"

Dash: "How did the horde even get here already?! We had em beat back around by Jack.."

Dianna: "They were here before you guys showed up. Maybe they gotten in another way too?"

Ace: "BUT HOW?!"

Cole: "They must've flanked us."

Steven then comes running from behind to join them.
Steven: "You Guys! Over Here!" shouts Steven grabbing their attention.

Dianna: "Steven what are you doing here?!"

Steven: "I came to help. I seen Donte speed past me and I seen Drew and them on the walls too. They all reached the south gate by now."

Cole: "Good, that means our job is almost done."

Steven: "But there is bad news... The horde is moving a faster on the East side, like alot faster.."

Ace: "WHAT?!"

Cole: "Thats the same side the horde just came from at the infirmary.."

Marz: "They really did flank us!!"

Ace: "Where are they?! Lets go take them out now before they reach South Gate!"

Dash: "But what about the Spitter back there? If that thing comes down the middle and reach the South Gate then we're finished!"

Marz: "Lets Just Split Up!"

Cole: "NO! If we split up now then we'll never know whats going on on the other side then we risk being surrounded."

Dianna: "Then What should we do?" asks Dianna.
Everyone looks at Cole for an answer.

Cole: "We must fall back and hold off the horde at South Gate. Just until everyone is ready to go"

Ace: "Are you crazy?! What Happens if the Horde reaches South Gate and we're not ready?!"

Cole: "We'll be ready because what other choice do we have?!"

Marz's Mom: "They been gathering supplies all this time, I'm sure we will have enough once the horde gets there."

Ace: "Enough supplies for how long?! A few days, weeks??"

Cole: "We'll find more supplies! We just have to make it out of here alive for now-"

Ace: "Find more supplies?? You just don't find more supplies for all those people!" Shouts Ace out of fustration.

Dianna: "We'll be fine."

Marz: "We'll make it work!"

Ace: "No you won't! You don't know what its like out there! All those mouths to feed while the dead keeps coming! Those people are going to die out there if we don't give them more time to gather enough food and water for at least a couple months."

  The camera skips through the faces of Marz, Dianna, Steven and Marz Mom due to them always living in the walls of Stone Ridge since the apocalyse started. Everyone stares at Ace while he makes his points vaild

Dianna: "Ace..."

Ace: "If we let the horde reach South Gate before we have everything we need then we might as well let all of them defend for themselves right here tonight because their chances out their are alot worst. They aren't going to make it out there."

Everyone goes silent for a second.

  Dash: "shit hes kinda right"   Ace: "I'm going to the East End to hold off the horde there. If the rest of you want to fall back then be my guest." says Ace as he begins to walk away.

Ace walks directly pass Cole as Cole looks him dead in the eyes as Ace faces forward. Thats when Cole looks at the ground and suddenly the pebbles on the ground near his foot start rumbling... Everyone else begins to notice a rumble from the ground.

Steven: "Uhhhh guys do you feel that?" utters Steven.

Ace stops moving as he starts looking around searching for whats causing the rumble. Out of no where two Tanks appear rushing directly at them from the East. One Tank charges right through the side of a house breaking right through as the other tank closely follows behind. Both Tanks charging directly at Ace as it is he that started walking towards the East.

Marz: "AH SHIT! Watch Out!"

But Ace doesn't watch out, he aims his Assault Rifle at the tanks as they charge right at him getting closer.

Dianna: "ACE!"

The Tanks makes it inches away from Ace but Cole tackles Ace out of the way! The tanks runs through the middle of the group as everyone else moves out the way. Shots begin to fire, first from Marz and then by Dianna. One Tank crashes into another house on the otherside as the other one manages to stop in the street, sorta in between the group. Marz shoots the Tank in the side of the head but it doesn't deal enough damage. The tank turns around slowly facing Marz with a very mad look on its face.

Steven: "LOOK!" shouts Steven as he points to the East from where the tanks came from.

With the house partly destroyed thanks to one of the Tanks you can see tons of zombies coming. Ace and Cole still on the floor they see it too. Ace instantly gets angry and rushes to his feet to fight back.

Dash: "Shit they must've heard us!" Shouts Dash

Ace makes it to his feet and starts firing off at the horde with his assault rifle as the others are facing the two tanks.

Ace: "I'm taking out these freaks on the east side! You guys can fall back if you want to!" Shouts Ace as he runs off East shooting down zombies in his path.

Cole: "ACE!" Shouts Cole as he just makes it to his feet. Cole looks back at the others who are in a stale mate with two tanks.

The tank that crashed into the house returns to its feet and out the rumble, as the other tank takes a swing at Marz. Marz dodges it by stepping back and ducking his head. Marz bumps into his mom as she too is there but she is totally frighten. The Tank in front of them roars at them. The tank that ran into the house begins to roar with it too as they both start to get in a running stance. One facing Marz and his mom and one facing Dash, Steven and Dianna.

Dash: "no no no"

The tanks start charging at their target. One rushing at Dash, Steven and Dianna. The other tank rushes at Marz and his mom. With neither side having the weaponary to take out tanks the both sides start running. Dash, Steven and Dianna are running back towards the South Gate but Marz and his Mom runs to Cole. Cole also doesn't have the weaponary to kill a tank so they all start running in the direction as Ace. Both Tanks moving pretty fast keeping up behind both parties. Dash running faster than Steven and Dianna  is a little ahead of them as he sees where the others ran off to. Thats when Steven twists his ankle and falls down while running from the tank. Dash and Dianna quickly stops as they see Steven struggling to get up.   Dianna: "Steven!" shouts Dianna

The Tank is running up real close to Steven as he is still fighting to get up. Thats when Dash takes a good long aim and shoots an arrow into one of the Tank's eye! Stunning the tank as it lets out a loud roar. Diana immediately tries to go help Steven up but is interrupted by Dash   Dash: "No Dianna! You run back to the South Gate and make sure they are ready to roll outta here now!" Yells Dash as he sprints to Steven's aid.   Dianna: "But what about you, Ace and the others?!"    Dash: "I'll catch up with them! Just go now! They need to know the horde is maybe just 10mins out from them! If we all die here then their toast. Just Go!"    Dianna follows Dash's call and runs off to the South Gate. Dash reaches Steven and helps him to his feet as the tank only a few yards away is starting to regain itself again. Dash grabs onto Steven and helps him up to his feet as the scene ends there.   The scene switches over to Cole, Marz and Mar's mom running through the backyard of homes, with the Tanks still behind them.             
  • Results
          Zombie Kills


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