Risolth Cunning Character in Dead World | World Anvil
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Risolth Cunning

Risolth Cunning

Divine Domains

Good, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Protection, Magic

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open Tome written in blue ink

Tenets of Faith

• Evil can be tolerated, as long as it can be contained.
• I will against any willful destruction of knowledge, no matter what origin it comes from.
• To collect knowledge is to gain truth, and I will never stop in my quest to find truth.
• I will be careful when I deal with youth. They are the inheritors of our world and the secrets it holds.
• Corruption is a stain on the world and must be laid bare for all to see and fixed as soon as possible.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Primary Arcane caster, has the ability to seemingly improve his spells at will. Generally favors Necromancy over other magic. The heavy armor he wears doesn't seem to impede his casting.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears his Hellknight Uniform that has a black and white color scheme. His gloves a studded with sapphires that give off a magical aura. Generally is seen carrying a cane around.

Specialized Equipment

Wears Mithral Hellknight plate for his protection making him hard to hit, wields a dagger on occasion, but more often than not his hands will be in possession of his favorite item. A can with the grip of a skull with rubies for eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Left on the streets of the Lowers by my Father I already had what one would call a "tragic backstory" just from the get go.After my abandonment I was adopted into a family of other Tieflings as the 2nd eldest child. When I hit the age of five I'd grow a fear of the outside as my grandfather was gunned down right outside my home. Twenty years down the line, the reading of 20,832 books, multiple circumventions of the law for the sake of my little sister, and a festival of the stars I'd never forget would lead me on the string of mistakes, tragedies, and pain would lead me to where I am today. Because what sane man would go outside the wall into unknown territory?


Basic Education, Self Taught

Accomplishments & Achievements

Only person in B Team to have a 100% survival rate of the Hellknight Trials.

Failures & Embarrassments

Never graduated College

Mental Trauma

Saw his grandpa die right in front of him Multiple of his close ones have killed by muskets, isn't a fan to them.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes the best life is one trying to gain as much knowledge as possible


suicide, non comprimising individuals, Voltier
Divine Classification
Shiny amber eyes
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Only the Abyss can defeat Hell"
"I'm a not a dirty Tiefling!"
"No wonder we keep failing, Volteir set us up, we were doomed from the start! (10 minutes later) Nope, we are just terrible."
"Miles don't upset the nice God"

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Author's Notes

For more information see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u6nY8L1jpIIlvBUhMMdNNApuLmd-4FouCoNtucxvLZY/edit?usp=sharing

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