The Credo of Risolth Organization in Dead World | World Anvil
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The Credo of Risolth

Mythology & Lore

It is said that Risolth was a major part of the Hero Gods outsmarting several powerful opponents and going to such lengths that he slew his own father to protect Almas in its time of need.

Tenets of Faith

• Evil can be tolerated, as long as it can be contained.
• I will against any willful destruction of knowledge, no matter what origin it comes from.
• To collect knowledge is to gain truth, and I will never stop in my quest to find truth.
• I will be careful when I deal with youth. They are the inheritors of our world and the secrets it holds.
• Corruption is a stain on the world and must be laid bare for all to see and fixed as soon as possible.

Knowledge nourishes

Religious, Holy Order

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