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Berglin (behr-glin)

Highly adaptable, widespread, and infinitely variable, berglins are a versatile race of creatures that easily adapt to any environment. The average berglin can adapt to a new environment within only a year of exposure.

Basic Information


Due to their high adaptability, berglins do not show many consistent features between different members of the species. Although most berglins do share similarities with large ears more sensitive to sound, a flat, sometimes cat-like nose.


Aquatic berglins are found living primarily underwater, whether that be oceans, rivers, or lakes. A blue skin pigment is easily recognized trait of aquatic berglins. These variants will often grow gills on the sides of their necks, and webbing between their fingers and toes.


Sandy tones are a surefire way of identify the desert berglin. While some in this variety may include rocky callouses similar to that of mountain berglins, they are often less bulky in physique.


These cat-like variants are typically found within urban environments. They are generally shorter than most other berglins, possess a tail, and are quadrupedal. These berglins often familiarize themselves with animals instead of humanoid, being more far more agile on average.


Heavily wooded environments introduce a gamut of skin tones, ranging from forest green to earthy brown skin, serving as natural camouflage for the forest-dwelling berglins. Those who have come into contact with forest berglins say their skin texture is akin to wood.


Rocky environments give the berglin a variety of grey tones. Their skin is often rough, with rock-like callouses forming on the body. Mountain berglins are often more dexterous, being able to scale rocky slopes with ease.


Those who adapt to the deepest depths of the Material Plane frequently find the Underdark berglins running about. They have a tough, purple exterior, sporting gemstone eyes and similar mineral-based protrusions from their bodies. Their diets consist of rocks and minerals, which are said to slowly become part of the crystalized formations on the body. Underdark berglins are incredibly sensitive to sunlight, similar to that of the drow.


Some berglins may find themselves among other humanoids within various towns and cities. These berglins typically adopt human-like skin tones, although they may also gain physical traits based on the environment their settlement was built in. In rarer instances a berglin may adapt to the colors of others within their settlement, such as gaining shades of red, blue, or purple when living in a settlement with a majority population of tieflings.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Being a highly adaptive species, variations of berglins can be found nearly anywhere in the world.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Most berglins do not hold any concept of gender ideals. However, berglins that have spent a long time living in urban environments may grow to adopt concepts of gender from people in their surroundings.


Initially discovered amongst the frozen wastes of the Frostwale Tundra, the large icebergs in their environment gave berglins their name.   By the time the name "berglin" had stuck in the general lexicon, the discovery of variations on the creature were made. Not only that - but they could adapt to different environments over time! Although the name berglin initially referred to the ice-dwelling creatures, the name had stuck.
A forest berglin adventurer
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50 years
Average Height
3-4 feet
Average Weight
50 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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