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Malraia Devries (a.k.a. Enduring)

Why do you pledge allegiance to a country that would so easily burn you as fuel given the chance?
    Born into a family of former knights of the crown, Malraia Devries, later Enduring was the middle child of the Devries family. Following a multi-generational gap in the family's line of work, Enduring enlisted with the Verdan Royal Military in 960 PD where they would take up the name Enduring. Working up in the ranks, Enduring became close with Prince Parric and the two formed a relationship. Around a year later Parric broke contact with Enduring for a time until the two began speaking again during the events of the Animus campaign.   Tasking themselves with delivering a package retrieved from a dead royal courier, Enduring first met Ark Encels during the train robbery and theft of the parcel they guarded, meeting Nespira after arriving into the town of Saltmarsh. Meeting a lich by the name of Zukai the Deathblossom, Enduring's alliance to the crown was first brought into question when Zukai claimed the documents Enduring was protecting were blank.   Months later, Enduring and Ark Encels ventured out with Kilroy into the Badlands where they would receive a letter directly from Prince Parric, gifting them a series of crystal shards. Using the prince's gift, Enduring's longsword became infused with purple and orange crystal, creating Enduring's iconic longsword Holy Matrimony.   At the start of Deepwinter 969 PD, Enduring Devries and Ark Encels began taking orders directly from Parric himself. Tragically, on the 11th, Enduring Devries would be slain by a pack of Ice Trolls and Winter Wolves amidst the siege on Castle Verdan. A few hours later Ara Doetch would attempt to revive Enduring to no avail, as Parric had utlized the Animus Bell to steal Enduring's soul.
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
57th of Springbloom
Date of Death
11th of Deepwinter
933 PD 969 PD 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Winter Wolf
Long, deep black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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