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Viktra Mordenheim

The Darklord of Lamordia

Doctor Viktra Mordenheim

Doctor Viktra Mordenheim is the darklord of Lamordia, a domain within the realm of Ravenloft.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As the darklord of Lamordia, Viktra possesses unnatural abilities that she lacked during her life. Like all darklords, she is capable of traveling through her domain via the mists of Ravenloft, as well as being capable of closing the borders of the domain. Unique to Lamordia, when Viktra closes her borders the land's temperature drop below freezing to dangerously low temperatures.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the noble Mordenheim family, Viktra was a child prodigy at age 9 with an unnatural comprehension of humanoid anatomy. She taught herself medicine as a child, and as a teen earned both a doctorate and an appointment as a preeminent researcher at a local university. She pursued medicine solely to satiate her burning intellectual curiosity, never to aid her patients. She perceived magic as stealing the powers of otherworldly beings and cheating the laws of nature, and sought instead to use her mind to master the world.   Eventually, the doctor became convinced that she could do more than create life - she could defeat death itself! She wished to breathe sentience into dead flesh and produce sturdier shells than the bodies of fragile, temporary mortals. She added corpse theft to her repertoire, employing thieves to procure specimens for her tests. This was how she met Elise, a beautiful but reckless body snatcher who was charmed by the doctor's aloofness and whose spontaneity entranced the methodical surgeon.   When Elise began showing signs of an incurable wasting disease, it was the first time either women had felt the pangs of despair. In the months that followed, Dr. Mordenheim desperate hastened her experiments, employing anyone who would bring her bodies - both newly dead and still living. On her operating table, victims were killed, returned to life, and died again as Mordenheim sought to glimpse the secrets hidden in the instant of death.   One moonless night, Elise fell into a sleep from which she would not wake. Bringing Elise to her lab, Dr. Mordenheim worked feverishly for days to save her, pouring what she'd learned from a thousand deaths into saving one life. Elise Mordenheim became the recipient of the doctor's masterpiece, the end to disease and death: an artificial organ Mordenheim called the Unbreakable Heart. But as she stitched the miraculous device into place, constables burst into the lab and accused the doctor of facilitating numerous murders. As Dr. Mordenheim struggled against arrest, smoking chemicals and arcing electricity filled the laboratory. Before she lost consciousness, she saw Elise rise from the table, the Unbreakable Heart glowing within her behind golden stitches.   Doctor Mordenheim awoke in Lamordia, an unfamiliar land where her genius was celebrated. Elise and the Unbreakable Heart were nowhere to be found, but the doctor soon heard rumors of a glowing woman wandering in the icy wastes. Since then, Mordenheim has continued her experiments on the dead and living, striving to recreate her successes and failing every time. Between disappointments she searches the hinterlands, hoping to find Elise - and with her, the miracle of the Unbreakable Heart.

Gender Identity

Transgender Woman



Accomplishments & Achievements

Unbreakable Heart

The Unbreakable Heart is an artificial organ created by the doctor in order to save her deceased wife Elise. The heart prevents Elise from aging or falling ill with disease.

Morality & Philosophy

Mordenheim is a cold woman, showing nearly no emotions to those around her. She believes she is above others and takes no pity on the dead or the living.


Viktra's greatest sin was cheating death by resurrecting her recently deceased wife, Elise without the use of necromantic magic. This even created the Ravenloft domain of Lamordia.


Religious Views

Mordenheim, like most citizens of Lamordia believe the gods to have abandoned this world, or are long dead.



Lab Assistant (Important)

Towards Viktra Mordenheim


Viktra Mordenheim


Towards Charity



Charity began working under Mordenheim thanks to influence of her father. Although Mordenheim view Charity as she views all others - beneath her, she acknowledges that Charity is smarter than the others, and finds common ground with her.

Nicknames & Petnames

Bestie, Vik, Vikkie (Mordenheim)

Viktra Mordenheim


Towards Elise Mordenheim


Elise Mordenheim


Towards Viktra Mordenheim


Legal Status


Neutral Evil
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
61st of Deepwinter, 1751 PD
Current Residence
Schloss Mordenheim
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages


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