The House of The Raven Organization in Delphinium | World Anvil
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The House of The Raven

Formed for the Cult of the Raven, these people over many generations became the house of the Raven while they are one of the noble families recognised as throughout the Seven Realms, each realm has its own family of the raven and this comes with the cost that for many common folk seeing a "Raven Born" is said to be an ill omen, as they are bringers of death and heartache. there current Matriarch is Lady Reydi Effírië-Craban the 5th Moon Elf to take the Seat of Ravensguard.


All answer to the head of the house Lady Reydi Effírië-Craban who passes judgement on those within the house, bellow her are the scribes sun and moon elves capable of reading and translating sun and moon runes and using them to understand the will of the Arnera, Goddess of Death and Ravens   Corvus are the lowest of the family with title, these people travel the world freeing the souls of the innocent that have been trapped by dark magic.

Public Agenda

Free all from mortality when there time has come, and free those trapped by dark hands from the bondage of reanimation.


many temples around the seven realms with the Seat of Ravensguard being there crowning glory a temple within Esshal known for being one of only 2 places for connecting too Arnera, Goddess of Death and Ravens within the western continent


Founded some time around 25 FD the House of the Raven now reformed from the cult of the raven dedicated them selves to the protection of all souls so that they may pass on to the next life without pain. Many years of growth and Divergence have passed they are now one of the largest Great Houses With temples spread from Branà to Iblaweth the most grand temple is located in Arane within the settlement of Esshal.

Mythology & Lore

its is said that Arnera, Goddess of Death and Ravens is the goddess that judges all who pass though the gates of the afterlife and that her children the "Raven Born" are on the prime material to seek out those who's souls have resisted death and free them from the mortal coil.

Death is the one Truth

Founding Date
~25 FD
Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
Childern of the Raven, Feathers of Death
Corvus ravens
Notable Members
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