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History of the Delta Sharatan Sector


... 25001 BBY

  • -11578 PR

    -11555 PR

    Qa'al'u Factions Begin to Assert Themselves

    Bands of Qa'al'u begin taking up common cause together to advance their civilization's development. Over time, as these factions come into contact with one another, fundamental differences begin to arise between them that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for them to work together. The factions with the greatest influence take leadership of many important activities pertaining to the development of the Qa'al'u way of life.

  • -10645 PR

    -10645 PR

    Zocreraan Crystals Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    A group of Zocreraan hunters discovers crystal deposits in a hidden cave on Cerumzocreraan. Several of the hunters claim that they can hear the spirits of the fore-dwellers who inhabited the galaxy before the advent of present civilization. This discovery is a central tenet of Zocreraan Force-users.

    Zocreraan System
  • -10179 PR

    -10149 PR

    Floods Devastate Early Horu Civilization
    Disaster / Destruction

    Tsunami and heavy flooding wreak havoc on the burgeoning Horu civilization, causing widespread death and damage to the beginnings of their infrastructure. It takes nearly 30 years for the damage to be undone from this event, but the Horu people learn to plan for this sort of event in their future building projects.

  • -8498 PR

    -8486 PR

    Sickness Ravages Horu System
    Plague / Epidemic

    Sudden illness arises in the Horu system, plaguing the planet for just over a decade before immunity is developed in the population.

  • -5776 PR

    -5775 PR

    Clan War on Chunde IV
    Military action

    Several of the more populous clans on Chunde IV engage in brutal clan warfare, the first of such clashes that will come to define relationships between clan groups on the planet for millennia to come.

  • -5526 PR

    Cultural Misunderstanding between Jomea and Qa'al'u
    Cultural event

    First contact between Jomea and Qa'al'u peoples leads to established belief that their neighbors are culturally "backwards" compared to themselves. This leads to the build-up of the civilizations' first space naval vessels, although no outright conflict occurs between them. The overall misunderstanding and looking down upon cultures pervades these civilizations to this day.

  • -5353 PR

    -5317 PR

    Lost Treasure Discovered on Muzim
    Population Migration / Travel

    The discovery of a cache of valuable gems on the planet Muzim causes a figurative gold rush from other nearby planets, as well as from across the sector. Other similar caches are never found, but evidence that they once existed pervades a network of underground tunnels throughout the region where the first cache was found. Within almost 40 years, most of the colonists have left the system for literally greener pastures and better fortunes.

  • -2140 PR

    -2120 PR

    Mysterious Meteor Impact

    A series of strange meteorites begins to impact the surface of Chunde IV. Upon examination by the planet's tribes, the impact sites are found to contain a multitude of crystals of unknown quality. The warring tribes set about gaining control of as many of the deposit sites as possible, establishing territorial borders and land claims. The crystals become the primary unit of currency on the planet, and are commonly made into decorative items and ceremonial trinkets.

  • -941 PR

    -926 PR

    Jomea Rebellion

    In response to the first King of Jomea's proclamation of territorial expansion, opposition rises in the form of the working class who have been manufacturing machines of war for the nobility. Violent clashes occur on Jomea over the course of fifteen years before both sides reach a settlement.

The Old Republic

25000 BBY 1001 BBY

  • -23347 OR

    -23321 OR

    First War between Jomea and Qa'al'u
    Military action

    War breaks out between the Jomea Kingdom and Qa'al'u Technocracy. For 26 years, both sides engage in active fleet building and harrying of each civilization's supply lines and trade routes. After a particularly brutal engagement that left both sides' navies devastated with tens of thousands dead in the aftermath, the two nations were able to come to an uneasy truce and cessation of hostilities.

  • -20996 OR

    -14123 OR

    The Jedi Shunning of Cerumzocreraan
    Cultural event

    The Jedi, distrusting of Zocreraan Force-users' methods and spirituality, enable a cultural embargo of the planet, wishing to segregate their own traditions from those the High Council has deemed unfit for further study or integration into the greater Jedi Order. After over 7,000 years of contempt and suspicion, several Jedi were dispatched to observe and report on developments in the Zocreraan tradition. What they found was a total conversion to the dark side, accomplished previously by a Sith acolyte looking to establish another segment of the Sith Empire. The Jedi, along with Republic forces, were able to cleanse the dark side from Cerumzocreraan and defeat the Sith forces, with the assistance of members of the Zocreraan faith that had not been swayed to the dark side of the Force. This led to a re-evaluation of both Zocreraan and greater Order practices and prejudices, and Zocreraan students were finally admitted to become Padawan learners.

  • -18466 OR

    -14123 OR

    Sith Corruption of Cerumzocreraan
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A powerful dark side energy festers and corrupts many of the Zocreraan people. These energies were unleashed by a powerful Sith acolyte who sought to make the Zocreraan system a seat of power in the Sith Empire. A team of Republic Jedi successfully brought down the Sith's descendants and armies and purged the planet of the dark side presence.

  • -11467 OR

    -11461 OR

    Record Harvests Promote Trade In Sector
    Financial Event

    A period of great production and harvest on many worlds in the sector encourages the development of trade between the different systems. Trade routes are developed throughout the sector, and goods and commodities flow more or less freely into and out of Delta Sharatan sector. Even the Qa'al'u and Jomea, regularly distrustful of outside influence, take part in this period of prosperity in the sector, stockpiling resources and building their personal wealth.

  • -10467 OR

    -10466 OR

    Development of New Food Production Technologies
    Technological achievement

    Communities throughout the sector begin to discover newer, more efficient methods of both creating and preserving their primary exports and life-sustaining products. Warehouses soon swell with stored goods waiting to be sold to other corners of the sector and galaxy at large.

  • -9639 OR

    -9638 OR

    Founding of Zocreraan Faith
    Religious event

    The Zocreraan people announce a religious doctrine that is based around the crystal deposits found on Cerumzocreraan. While the religion primarily takes hold on the planet where it was founded, visitors and travelers are often encountered by proponents of the faith or are drawn to sites of worship. Practitioners of this religion still hold true to their doctrine even into the time of the Galactic Empire.

  • -7302 OR

    -7301 OR

    First Appearance of Qa'al'u Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A strange illness infects many prominent families in the Qa'al'u Technocracy, causing widespread death among the higher-ups in the government. This disease is the cause of many major political shake-ups in the Technocracy, and it is only through a cooperative effort that the disease is finally brought under control. It is estimated that close to 15 million Qa'al'u perished by the time the plague had run its course.

  • -7064 OR

    Jomean Military Receives Special Treatment
    Political event

    To ensure that the military might of Jomea remains strong, the current King of Jomea pronounces that all soldiers will receive estates and personal starships once their military service ends, with those serving for a longer period of time, or in more hazardous circumstances, receiving greater gifts. Soldiers begin to receive preferential treatment in their dealings with public officials, even going so far as to be acquitted of capital crimes they commit "in the name of the king." This gives rise to a group of conscientious objectors, who resist the Kingdom's calls for recruitment and the prizes heaped upon their soldiers.

  • -6731 OR

    -6730 OR

    Civilization Discovered on Bonanior
    Discovery, Exploration

    Explorers on the planet Bonanior discover a reclusive tribal civilization hidden in the planet's rocky hills, surviving primarily on resources found in the network of caves running through the hills. The natives are initially distrustful of the scientific expedition, but after some overtures involving trading of game animals for food, both groups come together as cautious allies and Bonanior is welcomed into the Delta Sharatan sector community.

  • -6500 OR

    Bones of Ancient Creature Discovered

    While exploring an underground complex on Makistaso, a Republic survey team discovers the bones of a humongous winged creature in one of the deserted caverns. Upon further examination, the creature shares certain structural and genetic links with preserved corpses found elsewhere on the planet, indicating that this could have been a precursor to the civilization that previously inhabited the planet. The Makistasi of today view the discovery as an ill omen, with portents of decay and death looming in the not too distant future.

  • -4286 OR

    -4284 OR

    Qa'al'u Plague Ravages Sector
    Plague / Epidemic

    After coming into contact with a Qa'al'u colony ship found drifting aimlessly near Jamai, the examining traders discovered the entire crew of Qa'al'u had died under mysterious circumstances. Soon after, the crew, and all they had come into contact with, begin exhibiting the symptoms of what would be called the Qa'al'u Plague, and after two years of running rampant in the Jamai system it took the lives of close to five million individuals. Only through the intervention of Republic scientists and Jedi healers were the citizens of Jamai able to turn the tide and contain the disease.

The Clone Wars

22 BBY 19 BBY

  • -2 CW

    -2 CW

    Battle of Drammai
    Military action

    Separatist forces attack the shipyards and orbital city at Drammai. After a pitched battle, the Confederate forces were driven back by a Republic relief fleet commanded by the Jedi General  Most of the Drammai Defense Force is destroyed in its defense of the planet. Ryba Byluir is hailed as a hero of the conflict.

  • -1 CW

    -1 CW

    Battle of Anatisar
    Military action

    Separatist forces attempt to take the Narcassan mining facilities for themselves to further the war effort. The fighting is vicious, but Captain Byluir once again asserts his keen tactical mind and turns the tide of battle at a critical moment. The Narcassa family pledges to redouble its shipments of key gases and materials to the Republic war effort.
