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Lathander's Vigil


The townhall of Inverness, once build by a ruler of yore to oppress the local people under the guise of protecting against pirates. Now this rough stone tower forms the core of the the circular townhall, mode mostly out of lightly covered wood, serving as a sturdy defense for those inside.


A watchtower stands at the center of the town. Although it rises higher than the surrounding trees, surely the hilltop would have given such a structure a greater vantage. Hinting that it's imposing shape served more as a warning. The wooden structure at it's base extends the tower by another 10ft, and bears the crest of Lathander, and is well fortified to protect the locals from any would be threats. An exposed to area reveals a long baked-clay bell, which sways in the breeze under its roof, its wooden tongue making an occasional pleasing ring, somehow reminiscent of the dawn.

Physical Structure

The tower at the core of the structure has a diameter of about 30ft. and covers three floors, each 15 foot high.
  1. Ground Floor Tower: Main temple structure, this floor is home to the altar which bathes in morning light due to various windows and hidden mirrors. Various pews give the believers ample place to sit. A separated area at the back hides the stairs, a pantry an a small armory.
  2. Ground Floor Outer structure: This circular structure has allowed the tower to become the townhall of the hamlet, as it features, extended storage, offices for clerical business. the side of the build-around that faces the square extends the temple structure into one more elongated.
  3. First Floor: Priest quarters, home to the priests that serve the town, as well as the town office and a small library.
  4. Second Floor: Bell floor, here the watch bell hangs vigilantly for any would be attacks, its chimes audible for miles, alerting those about any would be alarm. Four large openings amplify the sound and large shutters cover it in case of a storm, and serve for cover for would be archers.
  5. Top: A large conical roof shelters the bell from rain and storm.

Role in the Community

Due to the isolated nature of Inverness, and the small number of locals, this tower serves as the town hall, indirectly making the faiths of Lathander one that is beloved by over 70% of the locals. Due to it's strong core and vantage position, it is also the shelter during any attacks for wild beasts, brigands or other ilk.

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