The Coronation Tradition / Ritual in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Coronation

The event held every 11 years in by The Half-Tribes of the West to determine their new rulers for the next 11 years. The contestants, of which there are around 200, partake in various challenges of strength, skill and cunning. With death being a very real outcome despite the very regal and joyful atmosphere, yet half-Orcs are more resilient that some, so only non-Half-Orc commonly die in the melees. The Victor claims the title of König, with the second and third place claiming Herzog and Graf respectively.
Strength and Responsibility The victors of the Tourney gain all the benefits of a noble title, which include:
  1. The taxation right of their assigned domain.
  2. A maintained estate suitable for their new title, with a complete and fully trained staff.
  3. The final say in their domain, and the freedom to enact any and all laws they deem fit.
With the only caveat that the Duke and Count are deferent to the King. With the only caveat that the Duke and Count are deferent to the King.


  1. 21 PD: The First Tourney:
  2. 32 PD: The Second Tourney:
  3. 43 PD: The Thrid Tourney:
  4. 54 PD: The Fourth Tourney:
  5. 65 PD: The Fifth Tourney:(Upcomming)
Primary Related Location

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