BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Revered Oracles

  Invisibility is the third Major Manifestation of the Illusory Subclass. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as being able to peer into the future or even the past in small doses. These visions can be sounds, smells, images or pictures, and in rare cases all four, but mostly only one or two. Some individuals will only experience one type, or all types separately in different visions. They may come randomly, or through interacting physically with an object or person.
The existance of oracles gives some credit to the Theoretic abilities, while others disagree that these visions are fully accurate as there are always changes to forseen events, even if only minor, and are more created by educated guesses or a 6th sense. Any Clairvoyant knows that the future is never set fully in stone, and small changes will always occur as people make and change decisions frequently. Recalling the past of an object or person is oftentimes more accurate.
This Manifestation was officially added to the Corporeal Class in 1862 by Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore when the Illusory Subclass was created.

Characters with Clairvoyance

  The characters with Clairvoyance in the books are as follows:
  • Doctor Flashe


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