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Full Shapeshifting


  Full Shapeshifting is the Major Manifestation of the Shapeshifting Subclass. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as being able to shapeshift all parts of their body into any biological structure- such as being able to turn arms into tentacles, completely shifting to and from an animal form, or creating minor adaptions to survive extreme heat and cold. All shapeshifters will have a standard or basic form- namely their normal, genetic appearance- that they can easily return to, though many Full Shapeshifters choose to modify their appearance in one way or another. Full Shapeshifters cannot create body parts made of non-biological material.
Full Shapeshifters cannot use their powers to compeltely heal missing body parts or mortal wounds, but may be able to regenerate parts temporarily in their transformations.
This Manifestation was officially added to the Corporeal Class in the 1400s by Robert Stanton. It was further solidified by Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore in the 1800s.
  The Minor manifestations of Full Shapeshifting are listed below:

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