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Rapid Replication

  Self-Healing is a Minor Manifestation of Enhanced Constitution under the Corporeal Class. It refers to an Empowered whose powers are incredibly similar to Enhanced Constitution, but separate in the ability to heal oneself through rapid cell replication. Normally this healing is uncontrolled and unwilled, and is an automatic response to feeling pain or discomfort. A person with the Self-Healing power can age, normally slowly, but cannot die through most natural means.
Due to the rapid healing process, major wounds can be repaired in a matter of seconds. A severed body part can be fixed back into place or may even just fully regenerate, but even this has limits. If the brain is damaged significantly or starved of oxygen, cells cannot efficiently replicate and death is possible. Because of the fast replication of cells, any body modifications made after the Manifestation has activated such as piercings and tattoos heal over and/or are expelled almost immediately.
This Minor Manifestation was added under Enhanced Constitution in 1892 by Doctor Moore. He noted that while Self-Healing is very similar to Enhanced Constitution, there's enough key differences such as the slowing of aging and rapid cell replication that separates it into its own Minor Manifestation.
Traditionally, people with this power are considered by the The Church of Bliss to fall under the Necromancy Subclass. For unknown reasons, two Necromancers can have a child with this power even if neither have genetic history of it occuring.  

Characters with Self-Healing

The characters with Self-Healing in the books are as follows:


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