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Manvi Talwar (a.k.a. Jaguar)

"Closing doors is what I’m used to,
Shutting down is what I’m meant to do,
Right in here we’re safe and sound,
In a place that lasts forever,
To me."
- Pinkshift, "To Me"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jaguar's body is hourglass shaped and is toned and strong from frequent exercise, and she stands at about 5'3" tall. She normally dresses in clothes that are suited for free movement, but loves clothing herself in reds and blacks primarily- especially leathers.
This girl was much shorter than her friend, her skin the warm tone of unblemished copper. She had short, dark, shaggy hair which reached her chin, and even darker, tired eyes. Her clothing, much like Micah’s own, was way too big for her, the sleeves of her jumper scrunched up to her elbows.

Body Features

Jaguar is built equally favouring strength and dexterity, and is often the one to take the frontlines alongside Eclipse due to this. The hair on her body is thick and dark, especially on her arms and legs, and she has a faint birthmark under her left shoulderblade.

Facial Features

Jaguar has upturned, brown eyes and lower cheekbones. She has an aquelline nose with a prominent bridge, and pierced ears which were done before her powers manifested. Her eyebrows are low-set, making her often seem like she's frowning.

Special abilities

Jaguar's powers are from the Corporeal Class.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  Jaguar was born to Priyanka and Samir Talwar. She's the youngest of two, and has an older sister called Atasi. Jaguar was originally born in Mumbai, but her parents picked up and moved to England when she was roughly 2 years old to pursue better paying jobs. Jaguar had a bit of a turbulent childhood, struggling with paying attention in school and was quick to get frustrated, and would lash out easily at other kids. Because of this she was often in trouble, loaded with suspensions and more often than not placed in behavioural units. On the other hand, she excelled perfectly in P.E. and any sports, and was in her secondary school's girl's rugby team. Jaguar never got a formal diagnosis for ADHD, and often beats herself up about not being able to meet the standarts put upon her.
When she was seventeen, she was actually in quite a serious accident. She was riding a bike home from school before being knocked off by a speeding car, and her injuries were pretty serious- until the ambulance reached the hospital, where she had healed almost completely. Before she could even be discharged, the hospital was swarmed with soldiers and Jaguar was taken away to the Sanctuary for the Gifted Child.

Book 1: Prologue

“I heal really fast.” Manvi plucked a plastic knife from Masao’s empty lunch tray. Micah’s expression only grew more nervous as she pointed it toward him. “If I stabbed this through your hand right now, you’d probably take months to heal. Broken bones, tendons, muscle, and fascia, and it probably won’t work the same as before. Scar tissue grows, doesn’t it?”
Holly furrowed her brow. “Manvi…”
She hovered the knife above her own bloodied hand. “If I did it to myself, right this second-”
“Please don’t!” Micah yelped, and shrank away from her.
“- Then by the time I pull it out, the bones would’ve reconnected. Tendons fixed and tightened. The skin would close before you even realise what had happened, and it wouldn’t leave a single mark.”
Holly’s aura flashed a bright red. “Manvi!” she hissed as she swiped the knife. “You don’t have to scare him!”
  Jaguar's first appearance is in Prologue, where she's introduced alongside Masao Nishimura and Phoenix Flare as an already established group of friends who Eclipse Solar hangs around with. When Psychic first meets her, she gives him a friendly-yet-kind-of-not rundown on how the place works. It's obvious by how she talks that she doesn't believe that escape is an option, and that this is all life has to offer from now on. Later on, Jaguar is seen fighting a new build of the SpiderBot, which physically injures her, and her healing powers are revealed to the reader.
Any time plans for escape are suggested, Jaguar is very vehement against it, and Masao mentions that it's due to her already having a disciplanary. The plans progress, much to her dismay, and as the final day draws closer Jaguar is trying to reassure both herself and Masao that all will be okay.
During the Escape, she helps UltraViolet destroy the CCTV control panel, and things seem to be going well- until Masao has to sacrifice himself. Jaguar is frantic, and after his death, she shuts down completely. During the final fight with the SpiderBot she hides behind the reception desk, unable to function.
After they escape the sanctuary, Eclipse helps Jaguar walk, and while devastated, there is hope for the future.

Book 2: Walking With Strangers

She didn’t have even a moment to stand as Alyssa grabbed her again, slammed her down to the floor, and knelt over her. Manvi coughed, a momentary sharp pain stabbing through her spine.
“Alright, you want the truth?” Manvi hissed between gritted teeth. Alyssa kept her gaze, saying nothing as she spoke. “You’re insane. I knew as soon as you killed that guy that there’s something fucked up in your head. You don’t deserve a guy like Micah. You’ll just walk all o–”
Alyssa slammed her into the floor again, causing Manvi to cry out in pain before she could finish what she was saying.
  In this book, the party's dynamic is constantly challenged by influences outside and within. A new member, Ace, is allowing the group to live with her in her tiny flat. At the beginning, Jaguar is visiting Masao's grave on the anniversary of the escape, smoking a cigarette. She's approached by Psychic who strikes up conversation about their relationship and how they met, and despite the topic, Psychic's presence makes her feel a bit more at ease. They eventually leave, and are given a strange contact by some of the boys down the street. Confused, they head back home, speaking about Ace and money issues, but she manages to deflect the topic and make a freindly jab at him.
Jaguar initiates a group meeting to talk about the number she and Psychic received. She calls it, and feels uneasy, highly uncertain but curious nonetheless. That weird feeling is only strengthened when they go to meet Tenebrae Grimm, and Jaguar feels something off about him. The promise of money, however, is alluring- the idea of being able to eventually leave Ace's house is attractive to her, and she agrees to join FIERCE.
The group spends some time picking out a name, and Jaguar uses her code-name from Prologue. A while after this, she manages to get Eclipse alone, and confronts her about being secretive. Eclipse plays dumb, and then eventually relents, and Jaguar isn't really that mad that Eclipse kept secrets- she's mad because Eclipse was going to a fight club and didn't invite her. Eclipse promises to take Jaguar along, which satisfies her. The next day, Psychic calls her to look at a letter they received, as well as a car that Tenebrae gifted them. She's shocked, but excited, and then is soon uncertain of the prospect of doing their first job. They go with the safe option- get there and let UV scout, then break in once they know what to do. The group is let into Flash of Genius Co. through the back door, and Jaguar and Eclipse move ahead once they get to the medical ward. They're then attacked by bruisers, and the fight is pretty brutal but they just about manage to win. Taking a short moment to rest, they continue on, and Jaguar is shocked as Ace kills one of the bruisers by throwing them down several flights of stairs, but they have to continue. They then find and meet Doctor Moore, and it's an encounter that just feels incredibly strange to her. They take the Doctor to Tenebrae, and return home with full pockets.
The next day, Jaguar catches Ace asking Psychic on the date, and is full of rage. She storms by them and slams the door to her room.
A few days later, while Psychic and Ace are on their date, Eclipse takes Jaguar to the fight club. Jaguar fights a woman called Jet, a gravity manipulator who is vicious, but turns the tides when Jet becomes too cocky. She's geared to go up against Vixen, a girl who works for Tenebrae, before Eclipse calls out that something is wrong. The entire club is emptied and searching around the bar for John Wolffstone and his family, who have been taken. Tenebrae then appears, and the Demigods talk back and forth with him about what to do next. Tenebrae gives them the task of attacking an information post belonging to SunGod Corporation, and that's exactly what the group does.
Rising tensions are causing an unfixiable rift between her and Ace. Not long after Psychic tells off Jaguar and Eclipse for keeping secrets, Ace assaults her in her bedroom, accusing her of being jealous and ruining her and Psychic's moment. Psychic separates them, and Jaguar is more embarrassed about them both looking like assholes in the situation. The mission goes well and the Demigods are able to find what they need, but after they leave, another argument erupts between Jaguar and the team as guilt and uncertainty overtake her.
They're given their final job by Tenebrae, and start the attack on the SunGod headquarters. Jaguar is mortally wounded in the fight against the Tanks, but is able to recover, and re-joins the fight. They push their way to Apollo's office, and Jaguar gets the information she needed to switch teams. Ace protests, but Jaguar is ready to fight, and the two scuffle, before Ace is thrown out of the window by Eclipse. The group rushes back to FIERCE to confront Tenebrae Grimm, but their car is destroyed by the Misfits, slowing them down. When they eventually reace FIERCE, they fight the misfits and win, and then go in for the kill on Tenebrae.
The fight with Tenebrae is a tough one, and the Demigods nearly lose- until Ultraviolet crashes through the wall in a car and runs him over. Psychic runs, and Jaguar files into the car with the others as Tenebrae suffers Sudden Supercharge Meltdown (Consumption). They manage to destroy him, and save the hostages.
At the end, Jaguar has a chat with Psychic about how he's doing, and lures him down for a group meeting. There, the group decides on the name "the Demigods" for their group.

Book 3: Midnight

“You… Fell?” Jaguar asked, one of her eyebrows shooting up.
“Against the chair. Y-yeah. I- I winded myself,” he wheezed. He saw Jaguar look to UV, who spoke quietly on the phone and made confused gestures back to her. She turned her gaze back to him.
“You winded yourself?”
“On a chair?”
“It put up a pretty good fight. I didn’t stand a chance.”
“It’s a chair, Micah.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll beat it next time.”
  In Midnight, Jaguar is investigating a case of potential Consumption alongside the rest of the group. She's uncertain about it being the same thing because of how different the situation is compared to that night with Tenebrae, and does challenge the idea, eventually relenting and accepting the rest of the group's observations. Once they run out of time, she drives half of the group back to FOG Co, where Doctor Moore recommends a course of action. They visit a beautiful tree on Oak Road, a confirmed case of Consumption that happened 30 years ago. Jaguar helps Psychic navigate the roots, and holds onto him as he communes with it. He falls unconscious, and she drags him back to the party, handing him off to Eclipse.
The group decides to split up, receiving reinforcements consisting of Miss Major and Slipstream, and Jaguar's group is to search for the research of Arthur Craddock, a famous Empowered Scientist from the eighteen-hundreds. They get to Wales and get set up in their hotel in Cardiff, however they get word of Psychic being heavily injured after being ambushed at a mortuary, and Jaguar panics. Eclipse suggests for her to go back to London, while their group continues with the assignment.
During the night, Jaguar can't sleep. She goes to the balcony and looks over the city, and is joined by Eclipse. She apologises for waking her, but Eclipse says she was awake anyway. The two have a deep conversation about handling grief, eventually talking briefly about their siblings, too.
Jaguar is taken back to London by Orion Songbird, and she visits Psychic. The two have a revelation about what's going on, and realise how bad the situation is.
Orion offers a hand, and takes the two to The Church of Bliss to speak with the Necromancers there. If anyone could locate such a powerful source of death, they can. They're greeted by Lucius Grey, who takes them through into the church's ambulatory to the Oracle's Eye and is joined by Lúne Slaughter. There, they have a vision, though something goes wrong and that vision explodes outward, spooking everyone in the room. They now, at least, have a location to look to.
When they return to FOG Co, ASIMOV has begun an attack. The Demigods fend them off, although they lose the research books and Doctor Flashe to them. They manage to get their hands on Hades, a pyromancer, and question him, eventually negotiating a trade with ASIMOV. They go in knowing both groups would try to betray one another, and after a difficult fight, the Demigods escape with both hostages, but lose Miss Major and Slipstream. Wounded and defeated, but still successful, the group is called to the The England & Wales, Scottish, and Northern Irish Nexus of Justice to speak with the Elder Council. Despite their pleas, the Elder Council barrs them from working further on anything relating to ASIMOV, and serve a warrant for Apollo's arrest. Even when the group meets the new leader of SunGod, Paul Whitcomb, Jaguar pleas to be allowed to continue. They are denied, however, and take a pay cut and a rent increase. Defeated, the group still intends to attack ASIMOV at Rockford castle, and makes plans to do so.
The Demigods are joined by Orion Songbird, and begin their attack. They break into to castle through a delivery van, and rush through, avoiding gunfire as they travel to the bowels, and traverse through maze-like tunnels. The group realise they're running out of time, and by the time they reach Rockford Tower and see the Potestaline-Deactivation Pulse Machine (PDPM), ASIMOV has them cornered. The fight is brutal, and Jaguar is nearly killed, but they turn the tides and Ultraviolet blows up the machine. The Demigods are able to escape, wounded but successful, but as soon as they're healed they're fired from SunGod. Miss Major offers for them to stay at her house as well as Slipstream's, and treats them to dinner.

Book 4: No Tomorrow



Jaguar is bisexual, but has a preference for masculine presenting people.


  • Worked for FIERCE in Walking With Strangers
  • Worked for SunGod in Walking With Strangers and Midnight
  • Joined the Deaths' Heads in No Tomorrow

Morality & Philosophy

Jaguar's morality is that if someone can be deplatformed with violence, they should be. Killing people is usually a bit extreme, but there are cases where it's deserved.

Personality Characteristics


Jaguar's motivated to fulfill her promise to Masao, and to make sure the same fate doesn't befall any more of her friends.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Working out
  • Repairing vehicles
  • Quadbiking
  • Rivalry with Eclipse


  • Pop music
  • Being idle
  • Ace
  • Making phone calls



Rival (Vital)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Rival (Vital)

Towards Jaguar




Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Jaguar




Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Psychic




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Phoenix Flare



Phoenix Flare

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Jaguar



Miss Major

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Jaguar




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Miss Major




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Jaguar




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Slipstream



Orion Songbird

Friend (Important)

Towards Jaguar




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Orion Songbird



Tenebrae Grimm

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Jaguar




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Tenebrae Grimm




Friend (Important)

Towards Jaguar




Friend (Important)

Towards Ultraviolet



Masao Nishimura

Ex-Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Jaguar




Ex-Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Masao Nishimura



Chaotic good
Current Status
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
11th May (Taurus)
Year of Birth
1993 CE 22 Years old
Current Residence
Wisteria block
Brown, sharp
Short, messy, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'3" / 160 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Yeah… We were always opposites, huh? I’ve always preferred to hit my problems until they went away, but he… He always tried to talk them away. His methods always worked better, for the most part.”
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Jaguar speaks fluent English, and near-fluent Hindi.
Character Prototype
Jaguar is based off of the Jaguar in original canon, with a lot of changes made to her appearance. Her personality has stayed mainly the same, as has parts of her backstory.


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