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The greatest of beings, highest of the high, lords and ladies of the Veil, eternal shepherds, the shining wardens, the Creator's lapdogs. These are just some of the titles given to these titanic beings, spoken of now only in myths and legends even though they once walked the world with mortal beings. Now only Ahmit remains, and even she is an undead beast, merely a shadow of her former glory, and the tragedy of her story holds in it the hubris and downfall of this immortal race.   All of the dragons gave their lives and souls to the creation of Limbo, to contain Blackfire's madness, and to spare mortal life from his ravaging. These beings maintain that barrier still, and for as long they remain extinct in the mortal world Blackfire's rage shall not threaten all of creation.

Basic Information


Dragons were massive beings crafted from both metal and flesh, their bodies resembling the general shape of various lizards. Each dragon was unique and has their own morphology, but the following traits were shared by all of them.

  • General quadruped proportions
  • At least 5 limbs (2 hind legs and 1 tail+various others)
  • A long, serpentine neck and tail attached to the torso
  • An internal skeleton crafted from titanium and steel
  • Dense flesh that resembled granite in color
  • Scaled bodies made from one or two types of metals

Biological Traits

The dragons were immortal, their bodies crafted to eternally repair themselves and their souls immune to almost all ravages of the veil. The only way for the dragons to die forever were at the hands of the Creator himself, or another being with access to Hellfire, or by having the veil collapse around them the moment they were slain, creating a void from the pressure of their vast souls that would consume them utterly. No dragons were slain by any of these methods.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons were a sterile species crafted from the earth by the hands of the creator, and Ebrius once he existed in a corporeal shell. They could not reproduce, and do not have any DNA.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons were crafted fully-grown, but over their long lives, more materials were added simply over the course of battle and fulfilling the tasks given to them by the creator.

The final lengths and heights of the dragons were as follows:

  • Amit: 94ftx25ft
  • Behris: 100ftx26ft
  • Ebrius: 42ftx17ft
  • Oshai: 83ftx21ft
  • Rhaul: 120ftx35ft

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons could live in any environment, and did not require shelter from the elements. They assisted the lesser species in taming the wilderness and establishing colonies, but did not create civilizations of their own. They made cavern lairs within mountains for the express purpose of stockpiling materials for repair and for meeting with mortal beings.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons did not need to eat other beings or organic material to survive, however, they did need to replace lost materials whenever a part of their body became damaged, and they could consume the souls of lesser beings in order to rapidly restore their magical stores and power. When they needed to repair their bodies, dragons ate metal of the variety their scales were crafted from, and they consumed animals that could be easily dominated and called to them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragons wandered every land that Humanity ever colonized, and flew beyond in times before humanity's rise.

Average Intelligence

Dragons were above-human in intelligence, though the degree to which this is true depended on the dragon. Rhaul, for example, was of equal intelligence to a mage, while Ebrius' intellect was unmatched by any other being.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons were capable of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling, all of them to super-human degrees. Each dragon also possessed unique powers, but all dragons shared the following abilities to a lesser or greater degree:

  • Could see the souls and animating forces of other beings
  • Perfect vision, even in absolute, even magical, darkness
  • The ability to manipulate souls, both of the living and the dead
  • Flesh that regenerated from any injury, even fatal ones
  • Magically assisted flight
  • Souls that could return from the veil as long as their body was allowed to repair itself
  • A connection to the veil rivaled only by civilizations worth of Grey shamans and the greatest of the Awakened
  • Absolute dominion of non-sapient life that was in close proximity of them, and great influence over even the sapient species such as humans and grey.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Other species treated the dragons as one would gods, each one a direct representation and servant to the Creator's plan. This does not mean that all of the dragons were beloved or respected, Rhaul became known as the Tyrant for a reason after all, but all of them were respected and feared for what they were, and the lengths to which most peoples and lesser deities went to in order to appease them can be likened to worship.

The dwarves are the only species that went out of their way to honor and excuse the actions of every dragon, as the Creator made them to serve his creation, and the dragons were stewards of that creation. Thus, the dwarves saw the dragons as their lords and masters to a degree that other races simply did not emulate.

The Widows, Weavers and Children of the Night were all diametrically opposed to the dragons, as the creator saw no place for these arachnid horrors in his world.


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