Luswere Organization in Deoryüm | World Anvil


Luswere was the largest and central power of the 5 Powers of Old, made up of huge portions of The Wilderlands and modern day Felesvollr, Sabulum, and Leukos. The populations of Luswere found comfort in a theocratical goverenment, as large portions of inhabited land was directly tied to the powerful ley lines below the surface. The people of Luswere were spawling and varied, but also prideful to a fault and extremely reliant on their government to guide them.   During Kadamitas, Luswere was the first nation to fracture and completely fall apart. Due to their extreme reliance on the gods and their powers, as soon as the deital energy disappeared Luswere fell into complete chaos. With The Wilderlands on the rise, most of the surviving population moved Southward to the island of modernday Bastille. Much, much later, the areas of Sabulum and Felesvollr would reform as movements to retake portions of The Wilderlands.   Almost all races present on Deoryüm could be found in Luswere, though the ones with the highest population density were the Elven and Anthro races.
Geopolitical, Theocracy