Obpansare Organization in Deoryüm | World Anvil


Obpansare was the northernmost and most secluded nation of the 5 Powers of Old. It consisted of modern day Ominkana, Avisawis, and the northern section of The Wilderlands. It's said that Obpansare was the most reclusive and least social of the 5 Powers of Old, operating under a tribal system that agreed to coexist but did not unify under a central power.   Obpansare was arguably the weakest of the 5 Powers of Old, seeing firsthand during Kadamitas  that a seclusionary lifestyle was a death sentence in calamity. Very quickly after the gods vanished, Obpansare scrambled together to attempt a unification that could protect them all, but the only civilizations that successfully recovered were the Aarakocra of Avisawis and the Yuan-Ti of Ominkana.   Obpansare was the birthplace and protectorate of the reptilians and avians, consisting of the Aaarakocra, Dragonborn, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Yuan-Ti, and Drow populations.
Geopolitical, Tribe