Vrituom Organization in Deoryüm | World Anvil


Vrituom was the smallest and southernmost nation of the 5 Powers of Old, existing of only the area of the modern day Free Lands of Gebrocha. It was largely isolated and rarely interacted with its fellow nations, in large part because it operated under a Republic Government. With the nation so focused on itself and always working around the clock to ensure full Democracy, most elected officials found it difficult to find support in any foreign relations campaign, meaning Vrituom was largely alone it the world.   During Kadamitas , Vrituom saw minimal losses and few major issues. Because of its reliance on itself, The Wilderlands found it hard to establish a true presence in the isolated island, and eventually gave up trying. However, there were many communities that rebelled against the established government of Vrituom. Although in most other parts of the world, rebels became the forefront of The Wilderlands, in Vrituom they succeeded in tearing down their Republic in power and turned over to become the Free Lands of Gebrocha.   Vrituom was undoubtedly the most varied nation in terms of demographics, housing almost all races that were not relegated to their respective birthplaces for power or deital connection. The only races that were native to Vrituom were the Giants and Restless.
Geopolitical, Republic