A Proclamation of Repudiation by the King of Nodyund Document in Derkomai | World Anvil

A Proclamation of Repudiation by the King of Nodyund

With a heavy and broken heart, I, King Arild Larssen, rightful heir and now holder of the Throne of Nodyund, having no other choice but to act against familial love and affection, hereby and herein repudiate Haakan Larssen, once a prince of the country.   Haaken Larssen's felonies are numerous. His treasonous pretensions to the throne are merely the beginning. He lasciviously coveted my Queen, and made unseemly advances toward her, which she vigorously rejected on numerous occasions. He plotted and carried out assassinations of various loyal ministers of the court, military officers, and key members of the nobility and Nodyund society. He stole precious emblems and artifacts of the Larssen Royal House and the state.   Despite the gravity of these offenses, any of which would require his death by the most painful means available, they pale in comparison to his greatest crime: regicide.   By heinously and mercilessly murdering our father, the late King Diederik, in vain hope of treacherously and illicitly obtaining the Throne, Haakan Larssen severed all familial bonds between himself and our Royal Family, and indeed, between himself and the entire People of Nodyund.   So as to protect our Queen Mother Amalie, we have escorted her to her chambers in the palace, and she will remain there under guard to prevent Haakan Larssen from visiting more harm on her. Though a mother's love for her children is endless, for her own well-being and the well being of our honored country, we declare that Haakan Larssen is no longer her son, no longer a member of the Larssen family, and no longer a citizen of Nodyund. He is utterly repudiated.   We demand the immediate arrest of the person named Haakan Larssen so that he may face justice. Any citizen of Nodyund that encounters the person is called upon to, and indeed must, arrest him. Should he resist, he may be killed without consequence to whomever does so. Any citizen that arrests or kills the person will be greatly rewarded by the Larssen Royal House with no less than one thousand Onzes Gild.   This Proclamation is ordered to be read aloud in the council of every city, town, and village of the Country and posted in the town square and on the city gates.   Hereby proclaimed and promulgated this day, Masabay 29, 5736.
Arild Larssen, King


The proclamation by Arild Larssen signaled the successful end of Arild's plot to steal the thone of Nodyund from his younger brother, Haakan Larssen, who was favored by their father, King Diederik Larssen, to take the throne upon his death. By repudiating Haakon Larssen and sentencing him to death (without even the pretense of a trial), Arild Larssen ensured that Haakon could not be a threat to his position.

Historical Details


In fact, all of the crimes Arild accused Haakan of committing, he actually committed himself. Even his queen was actually Haakon Larssen's betrothed before Haakan was forced to flee Nodhabn. Arild Larssen bribed members of the royal household staff to poison the elderly King Diederik when he learned that the king intended to make Haakan the crown prince. When some court ministers demanded an investigation into the suspicious death of the king, Arild had them assassinated and had military officers, other members of the royal family, and some prominent citizen of Nodyund murdered that he believed opposed him. He forced Haakan Larssen's betrothed to marry him by threatening her family and friends. Through his reign of terror, Arild consolidated his hold over Nodyund, forcing Haakan to flee. Haakan, with a band of about 500 loyal followers, sailed south along the western coast of Derkomai, eventually ending up in Southport. Fortunately for the people of Nodyund, Arild's reign was short.

Public Reaction

Most of the nobility of Nodyund in Nodhabn knew at least some of the truth of what Arild Larssen had done, but feared to speak about it after he had murdered so many. Outside of Nodhabn, few knew more than what the proclamation said and some wild rumors. There were several attempts on Haakan Larssen's life as he fled south to Seihabn with his followers, but none were successful, as we was both a very capable warrior himself and well protected by his band of battle-hardened fighters.


After fleeing Nodyund, Haakan Larssen made his home in Southport. Allying himself with Lord-Mayor Tachibana Jang Hideo and marrying his daughter, Hime Tori Tachibana, Larssen took his men north, defeated the Emir of Daskar at The Battle of Daskar, and established the country of Sudland with himself as king. The Tachibana Larssen family rules Sudland to this day as Royal Family of the Kingdom of Sudland; the current king of Sudland, King Einar Tachibana Larssen, is the great grandson of Haakan Larssen.
King Arild Larssen of Nodyund by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
King Arild Larssen of Nodyund
Authoring Date
Masabay 29, 5736

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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