
Chessmanne are the native people of Chessa. They originated along the coasts of the Chessa Sea, gradually spreading inland from there. The Chessmanne people are closely related to the Azmasanmanne people of Senyon and the Great Eastern Mountains.

Naming Traditions

Family names

When written or spoken, family names precede given names, as is the tradition in Senyon and several other countries of Derkomai. Given names are not often used without the family name, as the given name by itself is considered an intimate form of address, as between a married couple. Between strangers and acquaintances, only the family name with an honorific is used; learning and being permitted to use someone's given name, even together with the family name, signifies a close or important relationship.


Major language groups and dialects

The Chessmanne people speak Sudkou, but with considerable differences in pronunication, usage, and vocabulary from "standard" Sudkou as spoken in Sudland.

Shared customary codes and values

Chessmanne society values adherence to traditions, politeness and etiquette, and honor. Disgraceful, dishonorable, or impolite behavior brings shame to oneself and one's family.

Common Dress code

The equator of Derkomai passes through the middle of Chessa, so the climate is generally warm and humid. Because of that, light, thin clothing of cotton is generally worn by the common people. Royalty and nobility wear more formal clothes of silk and fine wool. Practical clothing with bare arms and short pants are worn by farmers and fishermen. People of the cities wear long, loose pants, shirts, gowns, and dresses of varying quality and decoration, depending on purpose and social status of the wearer. Some exposed skin is seen, especially in rural areas where hard labor is done, but never outright nudity. Dress in cities is more modest, and the dress of nobility and royalty is very conservative.

Foods & Cuisine

Chessa surrounds the Chessa Sea, which is warm and relatively shallow, rich in nutirents, and full of sea life of all kinds. As a result, seafood and fish are the primary basis of Chessan cuisine. Chessa has many unique seafood, meat, game, and vegetable dishes unlike those found in any other country of Derkomai.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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