Corima Hlaru

Rarely, Elvirim and Drow Elvirim babies are born with a condition known in Elvrimkou as "Corima Hlaru" or "round ears." Elvirim and Drow with the Corima Hlaru condition have short, rounded ears similar in shape to those of Humans.

Transmission & Vectors

Corima Hlaru is transmitted genetically from parents to children. It is a rare condition, affecting far fewer than 1 in 1000 Elvirim and Drow Elvirim children.


Corima Hlaru is caused by a quite rare, recessive genetic condition in Elvirim and Drow Elvirim. Presumably, the same gene combination that causes Corima Hlaru in Elvirim and Drow is dominant in Humans.


The only result of the Corima Hlaru mutation is for Elvirim and Drow Elvirim to have short, rounded ears like those of a Human.

Cultural Reception

Among the Elvirim, Corima Hlaru is considered a mild birth defect, but young Elvirim with the condition are not subject to discrimination. They usually have no other maladies or disabilities. Among the Drow, the condition is ridiculed, especially among young Drow children. Ironically, such ridicule often make young Drow with Corima Hlaru tougher, more resilient, and more hostile. Other Drow often avoid Drow with Corima Hlaru, as they are hostile and aggressive, even by Drow standards.   Despite being subjected to ridicule, Drow with Corima Hlaru are sought out by some organizations of the Drow noble Houses. Obsidian, especially, is known to recruit and employ Drow with the condition as spies and assassins for their ability to blend into Human societies more easily. They are often also given treatments to lighten their skin or darken their hair, as there are no Humans with dark skin and blond hair, as Drow have.
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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