Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar

Gowriat , Eidolon Dhathridh Siltevelar

Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar is a Drow Elvirim Gowriat of House Siltevelar in Isolabirre. She is the head of Revenant, known as the Eidolon.

Mental characteristics


Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar was educated as a Diriat and Aelriat in the knowledge and traditions of House Siltevelar, including their knowledge of necromantic magic. She was noted by her instructors to be an exceptional student; one of the best they have ever taught.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Identified at an early age as being a Magus with exceptional focus and power, she was selected by the previous Eidolon to become one of the members of Revenant, known as Shades. After the previous Eidolon was terminated by Sazzok Tygowriat'Zaquarn, Dhathridh was selected by the other Shades of Revenant to become their leader, the new Eidolon. Thus far, she has been much more successful at expanding the reach of Revenant while escaping the notice of Obsidian of House Zaquarn and the Yfeljang. Doing so has required a fine balance of caution and audacity. It was under her leadership that the Shades of Revenant first ventured into the Unknown Depths to practice their magic.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar is considered brilliant by most Drow Elvirim, drawing suspicion from her Tygowriat, Shulvallriel Tygowriat'Siltevelar, and hatred from Sazzok Tygowriat'Zaquarn, Luaraenil Tygowriat'Alierma, and high-ranking members of the other nobles houses of Isolabirre. However, they have not been able to credibly accuse her of any crimes. Beside her and the Shades, no one else knows that Revenant exists, and they are all cautious to make sure that remains so.

Personality Characteristics


Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar and Revenant work to restore the standing of House Siltevelar in Isolabirre, hoping to prove themselves worthy of acclaim and respect from the Yfeljang, Edan, the only being allowed to practice necromantic magic there.
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar by Peter Nelson (zero Sum Games)
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar, Eidolon of Revenant, House Siltevelar
Current Location
Current Residence
House Siltevelar
Dark brown
Long, straight, white blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown, lighter than most Drow Elvirim
91 lbs. (41 kg)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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