
Revenant is a secret organization of House Siltevelar, the lowest-ranked and weakest of the Drow Elvirim noble houses of Isolabirre.   Revenant has only twelve members, carefully selected by the leader of the organization, known as the Eidolon. The twelve members are known as Shades. The Eidolon is Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar.   The twelve members of Revenant worship Thalatte and secretly direct the activities of the Human Cathedral of Thalatte. Each is a powerful Magus that practices forbidden necromantic magic.   Other members of House Siltevelar practice necromancy as well, but can cast only very weak spells, as casting any sort of powerful necromantic spell within Isolabirre will draw the immediate attention of the Yfeljang, Edan and his Interface, Sazzok Tygowriat'Zaquarn, with invariably fatal results. The last member of House Siltevelar that was not a member of Revenant to attempt a powerful necromantic spell, Debena Mastrez Aelriat'Siltevelar, was denounced and cast into the Well of the Lost.   The members of Revenant practice their necromantic arts deep below the populated caverns of Isolabirre in the Unknown Depths, protected by Warding Magic that prevents detection by Edan or Sazzok Tygowriat'Zaquarn - or so they hope. The members of Revenant are the only Drow Elvirim with the audacity, or perhaps foolhardiness, to venture into the Unknown Depths.


Revenant has just twelve members, known as Shades, and their leader, the Eidolon, Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar.

Public Agenda

The members of Revenant are skilled necromancers. They believe they can restore the power and standing of House Siltevelar through necromantic magic and prove to the Yfeljang, Edan, the only other necromancer in Yfel, that they are worthy of his acclaim and support. Thus far, they have been utterly unsuccessful, and House Siltevelar is oppressed by House Zaquarn and the other noble houses of Isolabirre.
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar by Peter Nelson (zero Sum Games)
Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar, Eidolon of Revenant, House Siltevelar
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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