Sir Lorents Nilsen

Sir Lorents Nilsen is Baronet of Dunton. His hereditary residence is Nilsen House in Dunton; however, he is not often there, preferring to spend his time in Southport or even in Daskar. Being a descendent of Sir Torleif Nilsen, a close associate of King Haakan Larssen, founder of Sudland, Nilsen believes that being baronet of a small farming village like Dunton is beneath his station. He is a social climber, but most of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Sudland thinks he is arrogant and pathetic.   Since he is not often in Dunton, administration of the village is often left to William Miller and Baron Minoru Tachibana Meiling.
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Character Portrait image: Sir Lorents Nilsen by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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