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The Swinging Sword

The Swinging Sword Inn
The swinging sword is the only inn in the town of Red Larch. It boasts 12 comfortable private rooms, as well as four bunk rooms at half the cost per person that sleep six. It's a welcome spot of civilation in an otherwise rustic town. It's small reading room off the main entry is where all those of polite society within the town come to converse on neutral ground.


The inn has a stone foundation, with its main floors being made of clapboard and bonding. Walking in, guests are graeted to a warm fire and a number of large reading chairs. A small library sits off to the right, and a small coffee shop sits to the left. Beside the small coffee shop are two double doors, currently locked, that once led to the dining room. The dining room has been closed for about ten years now, after a string of fires in the kitchen annex made serving hot food too difficult.


The main building is about a fifty years old, having been built on the ruins of the old manor home that once stood here. The kithen annex, years colsed and sitting out back of the inn, is older, dating back almost to the founding of the town. The inn is built on the foundation of the older building, and uses the once grand basement for storage. The main room of the inn has painting dedicated to the old manor house residents.
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