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Semaforas are descendants of angels or other celestial beings who were born to mortal parents and inherit the celestial immortal bloodline. Though such unions are normally rare among these beings, they have become more common in an effort to counteract the spread of the fiendish bloodline among mortals. In many civilized societies, the birth of a semafora is considered a fortuitous event, and they are often highly regarded, even revered.

Basic Information


Semaforas mostly resemble the race of their mortal parents, but they have minor physical characteristics that reveal their unusual celestial heritage. Typical Semafora features include hair that shines like metal, jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skin, or even a glowing golden halo.

Genetics and Reproduction

When it comes to reproduction, a Semafora retains the genetic characteristics of its original race. For example, if a semafora was originally an Elf and mates with a human, their offspring will be half-elves. There is no evidence that semaforas have a higher chance of producing semafora offspring themselves. However, semaforas cannot breed with lemegeton due to the inherent differences between their bloodlines.


As descendants of heavenly beings, many Semaforas may possess noble qualities such as wisdom and a strong sense of duty to others. They may strive to do good deeds and help those in need. However, due to their rarity and the reverence they receive in many societies, some Semaforas may develop a sense of superiority or elitism, seeing themselves as special and deserving of special treatment and respect. This can lead to feelings of isolation or resentment of the expectations placed upon them.   In addition, some Semaforas may embrace their celestial heritage and see it as a source of pride or inspiration. They may feel an obligation to use their unique abilities or status to help others or make a positive impact on the world. However, some Semaforas may feel alienated by the expectations placed upon them. They may feel that they are being held to a higher standard or expected to live up to certain ideals with which they do not necessarily identify or agree, leading to feelings of isolation or resentment.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The bloodline of celestials has spread wide and thin over the entire planet. Semaforas transformations are rare, but can occur anywhere.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The majority of the Semaforas have the ability to see in spaces that would otherwise be too dark for most of the common races to see.
Related Myths


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