Millstone Corps

The Flag: A white background represents the pure and innocent, with red lines crossing the field portraying their blood. A black Maltese cross stands in the middle of the flag to protect these innocents, with a sword to either side showing the willingness to fight back or avenge them if necessary. Lastly, a grey millstone stands front and center on the flag, in reference to the Bible verse Mathew 18:6.
"But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me-it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!"
— Matthew 18:6
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Millstone Creed:
We are the Millstone Corps, bound by faith, guided by justice.
Where the hands of the law falter, ours rise.
Where corruption festers, we cleanse.
We are the shield for the innocent, the sword for the forsaken.
By the will of God, we purge the unrepentant and uplift the worthy.
We do not seek glory, nor honor from men, but the righteous path before us.
No crime shall go unpunished. No evil shall stand unchallenged.
We are the reckoning in the shadow, the millstone upon the neck of the wicked.
For justice. For truth. For God’s judgment. We endure.
So we swear, so we act.
We are Millstone.


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