The PANGEA National Creed

(Verse 1)
In a world united, we stand as one,
Guiding the future, our work is done.
We lead with strength, compassion in our sight,
For the greater good, we'll claim the light.
Oh, faction of order, we forge the way,
In our embrace, a brighter day.
With power and purpose, we'll reshape the earth,
For a new world dawning, a rebirth.
  (Verse 2)
In the shadows, we hold the reins,
A vision of progress, free from chaos and chains.
With firm control, we'll end all strife,
Leading Earth into a new way of life.
Oh, faction of order, we forge the way,
In our embrace, a brighter day.
With power and purpose, we'll reshape the earth,
For a new world dawning, a rebirth.
  (Verse 3)
Our iron fist in a velvet glove,
The world we create, built from above.
With discipline and order, we'll prevail,
In the name of good, we'll never fail.
Oh, faction of order, we forge the way,
In our embrace, a brighter day.
With power and purpose, we'll reshape the earth,
For a new world dawning, a rebirth.   (Bridge)
Under our watchful eyes, progress shall reign,
A world remade, free from disdain.
Though some may question, we'll hold our course,
For in our vision, there is no remorse.   (Chorus)
Oh, faction of order, we forge the way,
In our embrace, a brighter day.
With power and purpose, we'll reshape the earth,
For a new world dawning, a rebirth.   (Outro)
So as we march towards the future's door,
In our grip, the fate of Earth we'll restore.
With unity and strength, we'll pave the way,
For the faction of order, forever we'll reign.
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