PANGEA (Planetary Alliance for New Global Enlightenment and Advancement)

The Flag: The golden eye at the center of the flag watches over all that surrounds it has represented by radiating lines also of gold. Surrounding the eye are the orbital rings of the galaxy marking the PANGEA territories of Mercury, Venus, and finally, of course, Earth. Rays of the same blue as the orbital rings (symbolizing the blueness of Earth itself) run from the center of the flag to the outside edges of the left side, representing the influence that the mighty country exudes onto any and all other planets and subsequent nations.


Upon PANGEA's official takeover of global governance in 2048, all capital buildings of the now assimilated countries were leveled are replaced with imposing ebon obelisks to commemorate the momentous occasion.  
  Many changes began to take place as soon as PANGEA began to reign, starting with the imposition of a new global code of law to replace the many different varieties of justice systems across the planet. Under this act, many standards were also implemented. One of these was to make the official planetary language English, learning it mandatory, and the teaching of any other language moving forward illegal. Additionally, Global Standard Digital Currency (formerly known as United States Dollar) replaced any other form of currency, all other formerly legal tender mandatorily being exchanged.


  • Earth
Founding Date
1/1/2048 AD
Alliance, Generic
Training Level
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
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