Type-132 Seadart Naval Fighter


3 jet engines equipped with afterburners are capable of propelling these aircraft to not only supersonic speeds, but also at a very fast rate of acceleration. This allows these naval aircraft to take off effectively from carriers in the ocean. Their stubby wings allow for more jets to be stuffed into a single aircraft carrier, making them the naval strike craft of choice for the MPR.

Weapons & Armament

4 under-wing mounting pylons, 2 wingtip mounting points, and an internal bomb bay are capably of carrying a maximum of 6-10 air to ground missiles or bombs. The wingtip mounting points somtimes carry air to air missiles to help the Seadart defend itself against other aerial threats. Additionally, a 25mm rotary cannon on the underside of the plane beneath the cockpit. This gun is mainly for striking lightly armored ground targets or enemy infantry, but can also serve as an air to air weapon in an emergency. That standard mix of ammunition used in the cannon is 3 incendiary, 1 HE, and 1 AP round repeating. This allows the aircraft to effectively engage a variety of targets.

Armor and defense

Some armor and redundancy of critical systems allow for some survivability, but Seadarts' main defense is the chaff dispenser just under the tailfin. The jets can deploy these countermeasures, which contains anti-laser hyper-reflective chaff as well as flares to throw off heat seeking missiles, up to 30 times on a full load.
Owning Organization
219 currently in service
Related Technologies
Mach 2.53
Complement / Crew
1 pilot, 1 copilot


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