Type-148 Barracuda Dropship

Alternate Variant: Type-149 Mako Gunship


2 massive helicopter-like rotors are mounted on the ends of the vehicle's wings, and are capable of turning 90° to face backwards, which allows for much greater speed to be achieved than traditional helicopters while still allowing for vertical take off and landing. Additionally, 2 relativly small jet engines at the back of the craft assist in propulsion.

Weapons & Armament

Type-148: 2 cheek mounted laser pulse turrets.   Type-149: 2 cheek mounted laser pulse turrets, 2 wingtip mounted 20mm autocannons, 2 main body 100mm howitzers, 6 under-wing missile/bomb mounting pylons.

Armor and defense

Both variants of the craft have metal armor and Kevlar layers that protect from both small arms fire up to 20mm and smaller shoulder-fired explosives. The cockpit is also made of bullet resistant heavily reinforced glass of a similar protection level. In addition, the cheek mounted laser turrets on both variants have been specifically designed to be able to intercept incoming missiles and hard kill them before they can effect the vehicle.
Owning Organization
Type-148: $143,000,000
Type-149: $167,000,000
Type-148: 965 currently in service
Type-149: 51 currently in service
653 kph (406 mph)
Complement / Crew
Type-148: 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 2 gunners
Type-149: 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 7 gunners, 2 loaders
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Type-148: 50 soldiers


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