Ancient Protectors

The Ancient Protectors stand as stalwart guardians, bound by their eternal duty to safeguard the delicate balance of nature and preserve the sacred essence of magic in its purest form.   While neutral at first, Fey from the Kallonia decided to join the Redoe Alliance after witnessing what Dragsa created with their newfound magic. They never named themselves in the tongue of mortal races, but the people of the Alliance started to call them the Ancient Protectors. United by a shared purpose, they work tirelessly to counteract the destructive ambitions of the Dragsa and safeguard the natural way of magic. Through their combined efforts, they strive to maintain harmony between the mortal and the magical realms, ensuring that the beauty and power of nature endure for generations to come. As they march forth, the Ancient Protectors embody the spirit of nature and the way of the Fey as a living example, a beacon of hope for those who revere the magic that flows through the natural world.   The Fey Queen. This group is led by an enigmatic figure, one all refer to as The Fey Queen. According to legends, she is a being of immense power and wisdom, a force to be reckoned with. It is through her guidance and unwavering dedication to defend the natural world that the Ancient Protectors find their purpose and strength. The Fey Queen is said to possesses an unparalleled mastery over the element of ice, wielding its chilling powers with grace and precision. Her command over the forces of nature and her deep connection to the Feywild imbue her with an ethereal presence that commands respect and awe.   The Knight of Fey. At the Queen's side, both as her right hand and personal guard, stands the devoted Knight— a warrior of unmatched skill and loyalty. This valiant knight serves as a direct extension of the Queen's will, executing her commands with unwavering resolve. Clad in armor adorned with symbols of nature and wielding weapons honed by ancient magic, the Knight of Fey stands as a stalwart defender of the natural order.   The Stone Wards. In their tireless efforts to thwart the machinations of Dragsa, the Ancient Protectors utilize a formidable asset known as the Stone Wards. These powerful golems, created under the careful guidance of the Fey Queen, are imposing guardians animated from the very earth itself. Crafted with intricate magical formulas and infused with the essence of nature, the Stone Wards stand as unwavering sentinels.
Scientific Name

Cover image: by DALLE


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