
This is a continent located in the northwest. The majority of it boasts a temperate climate with distinct four seasons. However, its western region enjoys the blessing of warm ocean currents that bring them plenty of rain and warm weather, and render winters almost snowless. The continent's prominent cities include Aeheron, Woodhaven, and the formidable Fortress of Dragsa. Controlled by humans, these cities serve as the foothold of the Fortress of Dragsa faction and are also home to most of the beastkin in these lands.   Nestled between these urban centers lies the heart of the land, characterized by expansive fields of golden wheat, rye, and various crops. This fertile region, teeming with small human villages, bears the apt name “Sunset Plains.” Extending from the southern banks of the river Leose to the city of Aaheron, these fertile lands have nurtured thriving communities. However, as one ventures beyond the boundaries of Aaheron, the plain gradually gives way to a tundra forest in the northeast and to sprawling swamps in the northwest.   To the west, these plains culminate in the city of Woodhaven, marking the boundary of safe human lands. Just beyond lies the imposing Truncatop Mountain Range, a realm predominantly inhabited by the Kril who have established their rookeries there. Existence beneath these towering mountains, which cast their shadows across the edges of the adjacent forest, is fraught with innumerable challenges. Kobolds and Basilisks are regular inhabitants of these parts, and on rare occasions, even such fearsome creatures as the Dragon Wyrmling can be spotted traversing the rugged terrain.   Even further to the west lies the dense expanse of Banewood, a forest where liberated centaurs now roam freely, defiantly challenging their oppressors. To the north, beyond the borders of Banewood, stretches the expansive Frontloch Lake. Three significant rivers meet at this place: Avaloria and its distributary from the north; Silvermoon, which originates from the southern reaches of the Truncatop Mountains; and and Froth, which flows from the lake then merges with the Murknen Gulf. In ages past, this lake served as a vital link between Banewood and the rest of the continent, as people could travel using the rivers connecting to it. However, it is now under the occupation of the free Kutauri. The water within this vast lake moves at a sluggish pace, giving rise to sprawling marshlands that dominate the landscape around it. These marshes create a perilous environment. The ground beneath your feet often feels soft and slushy, making every step uncertain. Despite that, a thick forest still covers the entire area, with trees either sticking out of the ground with their roots when they partially fall or being buried deep in the swamps that only the upper branches stick out.   Venturing even farther to the west, one encounters a collection of small islands that barely emerge from the water's surface. It is where merfolk had established their haven known as Encura, a free country of aquatic beastkin who found solace and safety in the waters surrounding these isles. While the islands themselves offer limited land, the merfolk use the shallow waters and underwater spaces around them to create their unique submerged kingdom.

Articles under Kallonia

Cover image: by DALLE


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