Banewood Asylum Dangerous Weather Conditions

Torrential Rainstorms

The heavens weep uncontrollably, as relentless torrents of rain descend with an unyielding fury. The world blurs into a watery haze, obscuring distant horizons and muffling sounds beneath the incessant drumming. Roads transform into treacherous rivers, and once-parched fields become a sea of mud. Seeking shelter becomes an instinct, as the deluge tests the resilience of both nature and those who dare to venture within its watery embrace.
  • heavy rain reduces visibility—disadvantage on ranged attacks and perception checks
  • the ground becomes slippery, requiring DC 12Dexterity ST when moving quickly to avoid falling prone
  • open flames are extinguished instantly
  • higher chance of a mudslide

Foggy Mists

Ethereal tendrils of mist unfurl like ghostly fingers, weaving a shroud that veils the land in mystery. Visibility shrinks to a mere whisper, leaving behind a realm of soft edges and uncertainty. Familiar landmarks become elusive specters, and distant sounds are swallowed by the enigmatic embrace. Each step into the mist is a tentative journey into the unknown, where enemies lie hidden and the ordinary world fades into a realm of nightmares.
  • thick fog reduces visibility—disadvantage on ranged attacks and perception checks
  • creatures more than 20 ft. away are considered heavily obscured
  • movement speed reduced by half
  • perfect conditions for a Kril ambush


The world transforms into a battlefield as hailstones descend from the sky like icy artillery. Nature's fury hammers the earth with unrelenting force, creating a symphony of shattering glass and rattling ground. Each hailstone becomes a miniature menace, leaving dents in armor and bruises on exposed flesh. The air is filled with a chilling urgency, a dance of danger that forces all beneath to seek refuge from the tempest's frozen assault.
  • hailstones pelt the area, causing not-sheltered creatures to take 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn
  • open flames are extinguished
  • ranged attacks roll at a disadvantage
  • perfect conditions for a Basilisk to attack


The sun's merciless gaze intensifies, turning the very air into a blistering inferno. Heat waves ripple across the landscape, distorting reality and draining strength. Shadows provide only fleeting respite from the sun's scorching touch, and the ground radiates waves of oppressive warmth. Every breath feels like inhaling fire, sapping energy and blurring the line between reality and mirage. In the midst of this searing crucible, survival becomes a test of endurance as the world itself seems to wither under the relentless sun.
  • intense heat saps energy; creatures must succeed on DC 12 Constitution ST or suffer 1 point of exhaustion every 1d4 hours
  • heavy armor becomes uncomfortably hot and burdensome, slowing down PCs to half their movement
  • if PCs don’t have access to water they run a chance of hallucinating or passing out from the heat (Constitution ST DC 14)


Snowflakes dance in a relentless ballet, driven by howling winds that bite into exposed skin. Visibility is reduced to mere feet, rendering the landscape an icy labyrinth of uncertainty. Each step becomes a struggle against the biting cold, as frost forms on every surface, and air itself seems to freeze in place. In the heart of the blizzard's fury, the world becomes a frozen desolation that only the most resilient can hope to endure.
  • vicious winds and snowfall obscure vision; disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight and hearing
  • movement speed is halved
  • creatures not adequately protected must make a DC 13 Constitution ST or suffer 1d6 cold damage every hour
  • perfect conditions for Yeti to attack


A deafening roar fills the air as the earth trembles beneath the weight of impending disaster. Saturated soil gives way to the relentless force of gravity, triggering a cascade of sludge and debris. Trees snap like fragile twigs, caught in the maelstrom of brown chaos. The surging mudslide engulfs all in its path, leaving behind a desolate landscape of destruction.   Small Mudslide At its deepest, the soil reaches up to 1m. Creatures must succeed on a DC 12 Strength ST to avoid being restrained by the mud. Movement is halved.   Mudslide At its deepest, the soil reaches up to 3m. DC rises to 14.   Greater Mudslide At its deepest, the soil reaches up to 5m. DC rises to 18

Cover image: by DALLE


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