
Making eye contact with a dangerous beast is the last thing you want to do, doubly so if that beast is a Basilisk. Once a part of you has been turned to stone, there’s no getting away from this terrifying beast.   The Basilisks were among the numerous creatures that underwent monstrification due to the influence of the Eternal Empire and that developed new traits. These reptile-like beings have reinforced scales, and their gaze can temporarily turn others into stone. This ability has caused Basilisks to develop poor eyesight, which is why they rely on other senses to find their prey. Objects turned to stone eventually return to their original form, and Basilisks use this to their advantage. Their strong jaws allow them to devour stone and break it down, after which the prey is returned to its original form, and the raw nutrients are absorbed.   Basilisk’s eye is a valuable ingredient and has many uses, from rituals to potions to curses. Both the Lamia and the forces of Chaos that reside in the Desert of Kartagis often hunt these creatures for their eyes. Some confident adventurers also venture into the desert in order to hunt them, although not many make it back.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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